Baby, Inspiration |
22. Feb, 2013
by Ludmila |
Happy friday, friends! After another episode of being MIA I’m here to wish you a happy weekend. I must admit that having a baby is more exhausting than I thought when I said I’ll be posting every day. My baby needs my attention 24/7 and there’s nothing I can do to change it (not that I want to, but let’s face it – every now and then we all need some time for ourselves, whether it’s for updating a blog, having a hot bath or just drinking coffee). Well, I get this chance very rare and when I do I’m usually too tired to even look at my laptop not to mention putting together a post. Just for the record I’m now writing this from my iPhone, that’s the solution I found, let’s hope it lasts :). If you’re wondering how are we, here’s a brief recap of what my days are – my baby is 4 months old today, he’s smiling/crying/pooping/nursing and that is pretty much it, but it’s ok, it still feels like the time flies too fast.
Hope you’re doing good, here’s a picture of my baby I snapped today in case you’d like to see :). Happy Friday!!!

Tags: Friday, inspiration, weekend
Baby, Inspiration, Interior Design, Kid's Room |
19. Oct, 2012
by Ludmila |
So by now I’m sure you all know I’m about to have a baby (6 days until my due date!), right? And you also know I’m a lover of all things Scandinavian, don’t you? Now imagine these two together – a match made in heaven! I definitely like more the clean lines and simple color palettes of nurseries/baby stuff rather than cluttered and colorful ones (at least at the moment), so I was so excited to see a small collection of images on Est magazine’s blog which perfectly shows off my idea of a modern, cool, but warm and cozy baby environment.
(continue reading)
Tags: baby, Est Magazine, Interior Design, nursery decor, nursery ideas, Scandinavian design
Baby, Inspiration, Interior Design |
21. Aug, 2012
by Ludmila |
With my due date just 10 weeks away (it feels so soon!) I have to get serious about baby shopping starting with onesies to blankets to crib. I did purchase some cute stuff already, but the major pieces like the crib, stroller, car seat, bedding – it’s still on hold simply because I feel there is time (or perhaps buying everything will make it so much more real and will terrify me and that’s why I’m avoiding it?). Nonetheless, I do love browsing online for baby stuff and Dwell Studio has some of the prettiest patterns I’ve ever seen! I highlighted some items, but frankly – I would take it all!
(continue reading)
Tags: baby, Dwell Studio, Dwell Studio nursery decor, inspiration, Interior Design, nursery decor
Baby, Inspiration, Interior Design, Kid's Room |
31. Jul, 2012
by Ludmila |
And I’m back with another baby-related post. I have been writing about baby clothes and sharing plenty of inspiration on my Pinterest board, so it’s the right time to share some nursery ideas. Lately I’m very much into elephants and I like everything that has an elephant on it, that’s why it made sense to me that the dream nursery for my baby will be elephant themed (aren’t they the cutest beings ever?!). So here it is the inspiration board, with all the sources:

1 – dresser, 2 – rug, 3 – elephant night lamp, 4 – wallpaper, 5 – crib, 6 – mobile, 7 – rocker, 8 – ottoman, 9 – apple poster, 10 – pear poster.
Have a great Tuesday! xo
Tags: baby, elephant themed nursery, home decor, inspiration, Interior Design, nursery, nursery decor, nursery inspiration
Baby, Inspiration |
25. Jun, 2012
by Ludmila |
Happy Monday, friends! I haven’t mentioned anything about my pregnancy lately and I know lots of you wonder how is everything going. Well, let me tell you – all is good for both of us, thank God. I’m now 22 weeks, my bump is the main attraction for everyone and we even know the gender :). It all starts looking very real and to say I’m excited yet terrified of what’s to come would be an understatement. I guess all these feelings are normal and that’s what keeps me confident I’ll get through the tough part – fingers crossed! So since I passed the halfway mark in my pregnancy I find it justified to start baby-shopping: adorable toys and onesies are heart-melting and although I know that splurging on newborn clothes and toys isn’t the smartest move, I can’t help it :)

I mean how can you resist this cuteness? I found this French baby shop, My little square, and couldn’t stop clicking through the items – 1) sweetness to the core and 2) hello – beyond chic stuff, after all it’s a French shop we’re speaking about!

P.S. After seeing my collages, can you guess the gender? :)
Tags: baby, baby clothes, baby inspiration, inspiration, life, pregnancy
Baby, Inspiration |
07. May, 2012
by Ludmila |
Hello, friends! How was your weekend? I hope you enjoyed it at its best! Today I have huge announcement, something that I had kept in secret for so long and couldn’t way to share with you – this fall a new little member will be added to our family! We’re happy and ecstatic and can hardly wait for October to come (supposedly 25th). Every once in a while I may be posting baby-related stuff (and pictures of my growing belly perhaps?), so I hope you don’t mind that :). We still don’t know what are we having (we will in a month or so), but I’ll be sure to share with you the news when we find it out. Here is a picture of me at 15 weeks (which is how far along I am now):

Thank you for joining me on this new adventure, you’re the most precious readers ever!
*photo by my husband for creamylife
Tags: announcement, baby, life, pregnancy