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Blue summer house in Filicudi

Hi everyone and happy Friday! Another week has gone and it’s time to start thinking about weekend plans, don’t you thinks so? Alright, so lately, with crazy hot days and the sun shining all day long, I can’t think of a better weekend idea than just a getaway to an island, to enjoy some sunbaths and the breezy ocean air *sigh*. I even found the perfect home where I can stay during my getaway! It’s located on the Filicudi island, in Italy! That home is decorated in a pale blue, just amazing color and it looks so relaxed and serene – what a perfect place to spend a vacation! Leaving you with the pictures, I’m off to pack (virtually HA!):


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Judith Dekker Photography

As you all know today was the day when I was pinning it forward! Apparently everybody enjoyed my post which makes me absolutely happy and satisfied! So I’m still in my cozy, home-y mood today, that’s why I’ve found a photographer whose work suits the best this mood: Judith Dekker, a Dutch freelance photographer who caught my eye with the comfy shoots and I’m sure you’ll love it!


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What home means to me – Pin it forward

Well, lovies, time for me to blog about ‘what home means to me’ as a part of Pin it forward – a blog mash-up, organized by the adorable Victoria of sfgirlbybay and Pinterest, a bookmarking site, gathering more than 300 bloggers! Needless to mention how addicted to Pinterest I am and how grateful to Victoria I am, for this great opportunity to connect with other bloggers, getting majorly inspired by their pinboards and blogs. I’ve been following the other Pin it forward posts and I feel so proud being a part of this fabulous event! A big thank you to Natasha from Occupation: Housewife for introducing me in her yesterday’s Pin it forward post and please, do visit Poppytalk tomorrow as they’ll be pinning about what home means to them (so honored to introduce the lovely Jan & Earl over at Poppytalk!).

So, back to my post. You probably know that nine months ago I moved from my home country to my husband’s home country (wasn’t that easy!), so all this time I’ve been living in a period when I must accommodate and start feeling my new country a home. I guess these nine months showed me what is a home to me. So here it is, what home means to me!

The very first thing about my home is my family. I’m so blessed to have my parents and my brother in my life, even if they’re far away from me! All that I have accomplished so far was because of them and their support and all that I’ll achieve from now on will be for them. I love them. And I’m even more blessed to have my husband in my life. He’s my motivation to live and create and I’m pretty sure that without him, there wouldn’t be me! I love him.


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New Lonny Mag faves

Hi everyone! I hope you’re enjoying your Thursday! I definitely do! In the morning I was pleasantly surprised with the new issue of Lonny mag which was launched today. The team did a wonderful job (again!) by featuring a lot of talented people, sharing with us tips about outdoor decorating – just on time as it seems summer has finally settled down here! I loved all those over 200 pages, so I’ll now share with you some designs that took my breath away and I’m still recovering after the dose of gorgeousness I witnessed:

Designer Bunny Williams’ seaside condo


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Being a tourist: part 1

So…Some time ago I saw on Anna’s blog, Door sixteen, her post Let’s pretend we’re tourists, made up of pictures she was taking while walking through New York streets, pretending she’s, well, a tourist :). Today, inspired by the lovely Anna I decided to do the same – be a tourist! And it wasn’t that hard, after all I moved to Belgrade nine months ago and there are moments when I do feel a real tourist! So, I took my camera and to downtown I went! Please join me in my trip all the way to Europe, to a beautiful country called Serbia and its capital, Belgrade!


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Back to Black

Hi everyone! A quick post about my new crush – black glossy floors! Don’t you just love how they look in a home, especially when the furniture and walls are all white? I surely do! The timeless combination of black & white always works for an elegant and stylish look! And also the white walls – black floor combination makes a beautiful balance of colors, which will convert your home in a dreamy place! Here are a few inspirational pictures:


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Home Tour: Tricia Guild from Designers Guild

There is no way you didn’t hear about Designers Guild, a company founded in the 70’s by Tricia Guild and her brother Simon Jeffreys. They sell beautiful fabrics, wall coverings, upholstery, bed and bath collections throughout Europe and worldwide! Go to their site and check all those stunning fabrics and charming wallpapers, they’re pure gorgeousness! Designers Guild won various awards such as Elle Decoration Award in 2002 for the best fabric design and American Elle Decor, in 2003, for the best collection of wallpaper! Tricia wrote several books about design, flowers (her weakness), colors and furnishings and I admire her for being so talented designer!

Now please join me in visiting her London home, in Notting Hill. She lives there with her husband and that space is absolutely amazing! Take a look:


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Etsy: Emma Lamb

Let’s do some virtual shopping now, shall we? I’m taking you now to Edinburgh, UK to visit a lovely shop full of handmade crocheted, knitted, embroidered vintage accessories, such as granny rugs, cushions, pincushions, garlands and more! Oh, please meet the owner of this sweet shop, Emma Lamb! She’s an avid lover of two things: vintage & retro style and crochet, knit, embroidery, so she had the fabulous idea of combining her passions and now she’s doing what she likes the most and selling them or better said sharing them with the other people. Besides her shop, Emma can be found on her blog, Flickr and Pinterest. Speaking of Pinterest: when preparing my pinboard about what home means to me (remember that I’m a part of Pin it forward, right?) I could fill my board only with the cozy items from Emma’s shop, they look so comfortable and so home-y! Now let’s take a look at the beautiful items from Emma’s shop:


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A home in Italy

I’m back again, lovelies! I know I has been quite here today, I hope you’ll forgive me. I’m bringing to you now the tour of a home located in Lucca, Italy. Decorated in mostly white color tones, with touches of beige and silver shades, the home is so neat and calming that I couldn’t resist and don’t show it to all of you! The most what I like of this home is the divider between the kitchen area and dining room – a sheer curtain that is just as simple as you could think of! I know I’m teasing you too much, here it is! Enjoy and see you tomorrow!


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Stylist Saša Antic

I came across the work of Stockholm based prop & set design stylist Saša Antic a while ago and just now I got to check on her portfolio and be amazed by the beautiful designs Saša is creating. A perfect balance of white crispy floors & colorful accessories are the best proof of the huge talent and sense of style Saša has. The spaces feel so real, it’s like the owners are just somewhere in the kitchen preparing a tasty tea to celebrate the beauty of their home. Not only the designs make for comfy homes, they’re just as trendy as you may imagine. And I think that’s really impressive (well, it was always impressive to me) when a stylist is able to put together in a home stylish, modern details and cozy touches. Take a look:


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