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Honey Pie Design

You know that I love cushions, don’t you? I think there are never too many of them and to change the atmosphere in a room whether it’s about making it cheery or romantic, it’s enough to throw on some cushions and you’re done! Now imagine my excitement when I came across Honey Pie Design shop on Etsy. They have so many beautiful (mostly colorful) cushions to fulfill everyone’s tastes! Not only they’re colorful, they have sewn sweet prints on them such as: love, peace, kiss and others. Worth your look, so enjoy:


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Bubble Chandeliers

Please meet my new crush: bubble chandeliers! Seriously, I slowly DIE when I see them. And what’s not to love? They’re modern, chic very chic and they look gorgeous in a room! With the romantic look they have, bubble chandeliers will change dramatically your room, making it envy-worthy and so fabulous! AND! I have great news for you: I found a bubble chandelier tutorial over at Frou Frou Fashionista blog, so if you really want that beauty and you’re enough patient – this tutorial is for you! Meantime, here are some chandeliers I found:

DIY chandelier

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Stylist Aaron Hom

Good morning everyone! Although I said I’ll stop featuring so many artists, I couldn’t help it now, I’ll do it once again! The post is about the irresistible stylist Aaron Hom. You may recognize his work from the magazine House Beautiful. I’m really loving his style, it’s so neat, not too crowded and not minimalist though. It’s the right balance of colors, accessories and patterns in order to create relaxing and oh, so inspiring designs.


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Color+Inspiration: Seafoam Green

Finally a ‘color inspiration’ post! These days I’m dreaming about a seaside getaway. With all the rain we’ve had the last few days – a spontaneous trip to the sea would be great! Thinking of all those refreshing, breezy colors sounds dreamy while being stuck in a city! But enough about the awful weather, let’s think of the seafoam green color, shall we? This color it’s such a fresh twist to any interior, isn’t it? When combined with deeper shades seafoam green creates the feeling of sophistication and style, unlike the mix of seafoam green and light colors – what a clean and refreshing look!


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Home Tour: Dottie Angel

Hi lovelies! Yesterday, after doing an overall review of CreamyLife for the last couple weeks, one thing jumped right into my eyes: the tons of posts about photographers, stylists and designers. Oh my…how could I be so addicted to them and completely ignore beautiful colors, home tours and room inspirations?! And as gorgeous, talented and inspiring all the photographers, stylists and designers are, I should stop throwing at you so many features, right? And today, to diversify the content of CreamyLife a bit I’ll write about Dottie Angel‘s home. You all remember her, right? And just for the record: I LOVE sneaking a peek of a designer’s or blogger’s home. After meeting so many great bloggers online, reading their blogs, it’s so exciting to see how did the same people decorate their homes! What styles and colors do they like? So Dottie Angel (aka Tif) has a home full of pretty details that are pure delight for my eyes! Her home is so warm and inviting, with neat decorations and thrifty finds. Please take a look and enjoy:


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Debi Treloar Photography

I’m kinda feeling under the weather right now, might be because of the awful rain and grey-ish days I see through my windows. However, good photography can be a solution, don’t you think so? Please enter Debi Treloar, London-based photographer, originally from Zimbabwe. Debi studied art ad then photography and her works have been featured in magazines such as Elle Décor UK, Italy, Germany, France and Japan to Red, Olive and IDFX Magazine. You should check her food category, lots of drool-worthy pictures!


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Etsy: Brooklyn Rehab

I’m here to spread some Etsy + vintage love over here. I came across Brooklyn Rehab shop on Etsy and I think that shop is gorgeous! Brooklyn Rehab is making handmade vintage objects and is pretty good at this. So good that this seller is a member of Etsy’s Cabinet of Curiosities and was Etsy’s featured seller (read the interview here). Please take a look at the beauties:


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Amie Weitzman Interior Design

Amie Weitzman launched her own business, Amie Weitzman Interior Design, in 1999 and before this she was a popular fashion and fabric designer. Her style is a mix of classical with modern touches and it’s absolutely fabulous! She is a graduate of Parsons School of Design in New York City and a while ago Amie was the designer of the Ralph Lauren Home Collection. Impressive and no surprise her work was featured in magazines such as Elle Decor, Beautiful Homes, Better Homes & Gardens, Country Living, New York Home and others. Here are some designs for Amie’s portfolio:

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Gary Spain Design

You maybe heard about Gary Spain from House Beautiful magazine or California Home+Design. He’s a San Francisco based interior designer and his work is fabulous! An eclectic, modern style with bright yellows and crispy whites – doesn’t this sound attractive? He is combining new & vintage, high & low-end finds, Gary is the kind of person who finds inspiration everywhere, without having lots of troubles in creating a fresh design which will later indulge us. Please take a look:


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Space saving furniture

This time I’ll post a video which will show the best all the functionality of the Italian designed space saving furniture! My friend sent me the link and I can’t be more grateful for this, it’s so so impressive. Please take the time to see the entire video (only 6 min), you’ll be surprised to see the miracles of furniture transformation! Thanks for the link, M!


What do you think, isn’t this just perfect idea for small spaces?

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