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Maya Lee Photography

Oh my!!! You’ll not believe what I just spotted – Maya Lee photography! Maya Lee (Lotta) is a Sweden-based photographer, loving to sew, paint, crochet, draw and of course take pictures! I slowly died while checking her portfolio! Not beautiful – stunning pictures! I didn’t see that gorgeousness in a while now! Absolutely everything is pure magic: the colors, the ambiance and last, but not least Lotta’s talent! When I grow up I wanna be like Maya Lee! And I’d like to hang just every picture taken by Lotta in my home,! And I’ll also take all those flowers, please! You should visit Maya Lee’s site, blog, Etsy shop – you don’t want to miss some blissful moments of joy (that’s what you’ll feel while looking at Lotta’s photography, guaranteed)!


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Serbian Made: Nina Mihajlovic

Hi, everyone! Happy Monday! Last Monday I was totally absent, without posting all day (we all know why), but here I am now, on a rainy Serbian Monday with another Serbian craftsperson.  This time is somebody very VERY special – my mother-in-law, Nina! Not only she’s a wonderful person, she is also an avid lover of embroidery. She’s doing this every single minute of her free time! Every single! I’ve never seen before a person loving so much a hobby. Her collection is very impressive, she’s embroidering monogrammed letters, pillow cases, kitchen towels, wall art and even a wedding dress (a lovely white wedding dress, with black and silver embroidery she worked on for an exhibition).  I could speak about her works forever, instead please visit her site,, to see all her collection, now please take a look at what I highlighted for this post:


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Hi, dears! It’s Saturday and before signing off until Monday I wanted to introduce you to Valéry Goulet, Edmonton-based designer and illustrator and owner of Valerydesignwrks. Valéry contacted me yesterday and kindly offered to take a look at her work, just in case I may like it. And I did look. And I don’t regret at all! I’m usually not blogging about illustrations, but this time I couldn’t not to, her designs are too cute! And besides illustrations Valéry also is creating beautifully patterned wallpapers, pillow covers, calendars, note cards, sweet clocks and wall decals. And people, I fell in love! The patterns Valéry is using are just as gorgeous as you’d imagine, the perfect PERFECT place to use them would be a lovely nursery or kid’s room! I’m absolutely encouraging you to visit her Etsy shop, online boutique and site for more eye-candy, meantime here’s a sneak peek:

Wallpaper pattern

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Fifi’s Shoe Collection

You all remember Fifi and her lovely paintings, don’t you? Well, listen carefully now – Fifi has a great sale over at her blog which will happen until June 5th, so make sure you stop by and maybe find the painting that will warm your heart! Meantime, I spotted on Fifi’s blog a great collection of paintings with shoes on them. I couldn’t resist, I just needed to show them to you, as they’re so glamorous and fabulous!


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Per Gunnarsson Photography

Per Gunnarsson is a Swedish freelance photographer based in Norway at the moment. His editorial work appeared in the well-known Skona Hem, Interiørmagasinet, Hus & Hem and others. I say his portfolio is a must-see and you’ll  need to tell me what do you think, alright?


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Inspired by Ostriches

Hi, lovelies! First of all I want to congratulate all of you with a marvelous day, called Friday! We made it! Second I want to wish you  a fabulous weekend (another post) and third, I’ll get back to my post. Just a quick question, do you like ostriches? I’ll tell ya a secret – I adore them lately! Is it because of their long hot legs (HA!), the feathers or their sweet big eyes – don’t know, but I know that I’ve seen them a lot these days on wallpapers, paintings and T-shirts. And although I know that they’re a sort of chicken-hearted, not wanting to face the reality and hiding their heads away in the sand – they still seem cute and friendly to me. And especially for my love for ostriches I found inspirational pictures showing their sweet faces:


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Circus room: before & after

I spotted this makeover on Design*Sponge and I knew it was my childhood dream, I felt so nostalgic for the good old times. Won’t say more, please head to Design*Sponge and read everything about the makeover, but I do want to show you the great before & after.


I hope you’re having a productive day!

P.S. What do you think about the Circus room?

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Funky Stairs

Hi, dears! Once again I’ll say that – I’m so grateful to online social media for the great inspiration it’s sharing every day! Example: I’m following Living Etc. on Twitter and today I saw a link they posted there, which took me to a gorgeous article on their site! The article was all about quirky staircases and I totally fell in love with the colorful ones. Pure gorgeousness and I’d be happy to have a rainbow staircase in my home. It would make for a cheerful atmosphere and a fun interior design. So I felt I needed to show the inspiring staircases to you and here they are:


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Erik Johnson Photography

Erik Johnson is a Seattle and Washington based lifestyle photographer who definitely knows how to make a photo be interesting and attracting. I found him through my bookmarks and thought “oh my, where was he until now that I didn’t see him?”. However Erik’s photography shows good work with light and details, quickly becoming one of my favorites! With the luxurious interiors as well as cozy neutral colored ones, he is a must-see and I suggest you to check on his portfolio for more eye-candy. Meantime, here are some interiors that appealed to me the most:


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Revelation: Prop Stylist Kim Ficaro

Good morning, everyone! Do you remember the teaser I posted yesterday and said that everything will be revealed today? Well, said and done! That gorgeous room was designed by the prop stylist Kim Ficaro! She started to work as a freelance stylist until Domino Magazine gave her the opportunity to be there a Style Editor. Ever since she’s styling and producing stories and the list of her clients is quite impressive, you should check it out! So without teasing you more, here’s the work of Kim:


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