Inspiration, Interior Design |
21. May, 2010
by Ludmila |
Good morning, lovelies and happy Friday! Yesterday when preparing this blog post I had a moment of gasp. I couldn’t choose pictures as they were too beautiful all (!) of them! And when I finally decided about the ones I need, I had in my folder around 20 images! Hello! As much as this blog is mine and I can do whatever want, 20 images were way too many! I’m talking about the designs of Jamie Drake. Have you ever checked his portfolio?! Stunning! His work is based on bold colors, modern yet inviting designs, mix of styles and let me say: the pictures of his designs are emanating professionalism, freshness and sense of beauty! It was the second time when I could barely speak and describe my feelings for Drake designs (the first time happened when checking Tobi Fairley‘s portfolio). Jamie Drake has a real talent, an eye for beautiful spaces and oh well, he’s my idol! Please take a look at the pictures:

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Tags: colors, Drake designs associates, Interior Design, Jamie Drake
Inspiration, Interior Design, Kid's Room |
20. May, 2010
by Ludmila |
Before signing off until tomorrow I wanted to show up once again bringing with me a great interior designer who (as I read in her bio) inherited from her grandmother designer skills and taste of style. Jan Eleni is a self-taught designer who has her own design business running since 2004, but in fact she started her career back in the 90’s, when she had a small shop in New York, on 9th Street. After starting the business Jan focused mostly on decorating children’s rooms and the best of everything is that she was working with the kids, living their lives to understand their needs. And as once I said, *that’s* what I call a good designer – the one working for the client’s wellness and lifestyle! Of course, later in time Jan was designing both for children and grown-ups, so here are some of her designs:

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Tags: interior designer, Jan Eleni, Jan Eleni Interiors
Inspiration |
20. May, 2010
by Ludmila |
Did I ever mention I love all things handmade? Of course I did and not just once! Well, I believe there is never too much of these things on CreamyLife and today please welcome another Etsy seller who is also the person who creates the cutest stoneware and porcelain ever, Red Hot Pottery! I couldn’t help myself, but show you the beauties made by the Arizona based studio potter, painter and bead artist Christine Tenenholtz. I especially love the vases, they’re so sweet and flirty, I want to own just every single piece from Red Hot Pottery!
P.S. Red Hot Pottery was Etsy’s featured seller, so you understand how dangerously cute are the handmade items, don’t you?

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Tags: Christine Tenenholtz, etsy, handmade, porcelain, Red Hot Pottery, stoneware
Inspiration, Interior Design, Interior Photography |
20. May, 2010
by Ludmila |
Hi lovelies! How have you been? I hope all is well and I hope you’ll like the talented lady I’m bringing to you right now. I’m talking about the Sweden based photographer Anna Kern whose portfolio amazed me and made fall in love with the photos she is taking. So bright, so good work of the sunlight is something a good photographer can dream about and these features are what work the best for Anna, the surrounding details are the perfect add for creating beautiful, dreamy pictures! You’ll love her style, I’m more than sure both for shooting people and interiors. Once again I convinced myself that Swedish people are so talented and creative, it’s impressive how many good stylists, decorators, photographers are from Sweden! Worth admiration!

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Tags: Anna Kern, Anna Kern Photography, Interior Photography
Color+Inspiration, Inspiration, Interior Design |
19. May, 2010
by Ludmila |
I’m loving today the beautiful color mix navy blue & white and what’s not to love here? It’s elegant, deep and it creates the feeling of freshness in a room. The white has the role of a brightener while the navy blue is the focal point in the room. I even read that the dark blue or navy blue means unity and stability – what else do we need for our homes? A crisp and neat feeling for your home will be best provided by navy blue combined with white. If you need some inspiration, here it is:

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Tags: color+inspiration, navy blue+white, navy blue+white inspiration
Home Tours, Inspiration, Interior Design, Styles |
19. May, 2010
by Ludmila |
I want to share with all of you now a home located in Sweden, designed by the talented Katrine Martensen-Larsen (remember I blogged about her home here?). It belongs to a young married couple and their two kids. The home is decorated in a funky retro style with touches of vintage and modern. That space feels very warm and inviting, with all the big windows and wood floors (might seem to be a little of Scandinavian, but it’s not). Take a look and convince yourself:

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Tags: Interior Design, Katrine Martensen-Larsen, retro style, Sweden home
Inspiration |
19. May, 2010
by Ludmila |
Hey everyone! Perhaps you already know about the new software and site called Pinterest, but just in case you didn’t let me tell you one thing: Pinterest has got me obsessed with it, seriously! I’m thinking I have some kind of addiction now as whenever I start pinning I can’t help myself, but spend hours filling my collections, pinboards. However Pinterest is a very good idea, the only one on the Internet being so easy to use and so much fun! This site is already a bomb, but imagine what will happen when the new Blog it forward started by the lovely Victoria will begin as this time it will be Pin it forward (I’ll be pinning on June, 10th – just FYI)? I’m sure everybody will ‘run’ there! I was lucky to get an invitation from the Pinterest team to join their community a while ago and I’m so happy! People, I really recommend you to join us and start pinning, it’s very relaxing and you can get to know people as well, Pinterest is a social network too, where we can follow other members and get inspired by their pinboards. You’ve been told! Let me know when you sign up ;).

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Tags: Pin it forward, pinboards, pinning, Pinterest
Inspiration, Interior Design |
18. May, 2010
by Ludmila |
Hernan Arriaga is an artist who calls interior design his lifestyle. And he realized this after years of work in this field. He is young, but achieved great appreciation and respect of his colleagues. His style is described by few simple words: comfort, beauty and satisfied clients and that’s what he says: “Essentially, the starting point of every project is to get to know my clients, their taste and their needs to attain not only a beautiful house but also a home that would make them feel comfortable with, fits their lifestyle, and represents who they really are”. I think this should be the starting point of just every designer, after all the client must live in that house, so it’s very important the feeling of having a home more than just a house, I hope you get the point. Here are some of Hernan’s designs:

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Tags: Hernan Arriaga, interior designer, interior designer Hernan Arriaga
Inspiration, Interior Design, Interior Photography |
18. May, 2010
by Ludmila |
Hi, dears! Today I’d like to introduce you to Chloe Brown, a London based freelance interior, lifestyle and food prop stylist who has a truly impressive biography. She started her career at Living Etc. and in four years she went from Style assistant to Style Editor, she has worked with various known magazines such as Homes & Gardens, Real Simple, Easy Living and more. Needless to name the clients Chloe had, it’s the same impressive! I’d call her style contemporary yet cozy, neat with a touch of glamor and believe it or not looking through her portfolio made me feel home sick. Take a look:

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Tags: Chloe Brown, food stylist, interior stylist, lifestyle stylist