Inspiration, Interior Design, Interior Photography |
15. Apr, 2010
by Ludmila |
Aimee Herring is such a great photographer, her site is a true delight for me! She’s shooting interiors, people, food – just everything what’s so close to our hearts. And her photography is not just a great reason to feel happier, it’s also very famous! Her clients were popular names such as Barney’s New York, Country Living, House Beautiful, Neiman Marcus, Pottery Barn, Real Simple and others. Um, did you read all of these? One can’t ask for more after being the photographer of these amazing names, right? It is right! Here, convince yourself of what I’m saying:

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Tags: aimee herring, aimee herring photography, Interior Design, Interior Photography
Home Tours, Inspiration, Interior Design |
15. Apr, 2010
by Ludmila |
Anne Hepfer is a very known and popular designer in Toronto, Canada. Anne lives in a 1933 Georgian home, formerly owned by Prime Minister John Turner. She re-designed the home and now every room has its own, different than the others color and each of them says its own story. Having 2 adorable baby twins, Anne manages to keep the warmth and the inviting atmosphere in there and I say that her home is worth a 10!!! Here are the images:

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Tags: Anne Hepfer, design, designer anne hepfer, home tour of Anne Hepfer
Inspiration, Styles |
14. Apr, 2010
by Ludmila |
The Sunday Times Market is an Etsy shop which brings us plenty of modern, vintage items. Hello! Modern vintage is a blissful combination for me (you know that besides turquoise I love vintage). And you’ll not believe how relaxed and chic is this store. At some point I was feeling like I’m in my grandma’s old house, surrounded by everything vintage. Aw, a dreamy feeling! I selected some very favorite things there, ready to share with you!

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Tags: etsy, modern vintage, The Sunday Times Market, vintage, vintage finds
Inspiration |
14. Apr, 2010
by Ludmila |
I just got a message from my friend with this picture. He said “I know it’s not interior design, but…” and he’s right, I just couldn’t not post the image, it’s so cute. I wouldn’t mind having one of those :)

How cute is that?
Tags: bag, give me your hand bag, green peace
Inspiration, Kid's Room |
14. Apr, 2010
by Ludmila |
Hi everyone! How are you today? I can’t wait for the weekend, so I’m happy we’re at Wednesday now. First thing I’m gonna blog about today is a shop and design studio I stumbled upon few weeks ago. The owner of Decoylab, Maiko Kuzunishi, started her business by making decorative clocks from bamboo or paper, but now she has extended shop’s activity and she’s making posters, prints, pins etc. I love the clocks she’s making, they’re extremely sweet and they come in lots of colors, so great as you can choose the one you need. Decoylab Etsy shop and online portfolio made a perfect start of the day for me!
*Please note that most of the products are eco-friendly.

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Tags: bamboo products, clocks, decoylab, paper goods, pins, prints
Color+Inspiration, Inspiration, Interior Design |
14. Apr, 2010
by Ludmila |
It’s 1 am here and I’m still awake (I guess energy drinks do work?!), so I thought I’d share some inspirational turquoise images with all of you. You know I love turquoise and turquoise images are making me so so happy! I always feel overwhelmed when I see them, my heart starts beating faster and I can’t help myself! So, now when searching for pictures on my favorite House of Turquoise, I already couldn’t stop, I wanted more and more and I’m just sad I can’t include a lot (!) of pictures in my blog post.

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Tags: house of turquoise, turquoise, turquoise inspiration
Inspiration, Interior Design |
13. Apr, 2010
by Ludmila |
We all love handmade things, don’t we? In every handmade item there is a soul and a talent of a great artist! And I admire people who are creating stuff and it actually doesn’t matter what they make, the important is the word *handmade*. This is a really cool tag as nowadays hand-makers are very popular and you’ll be pretty attractive for people only when you say, without showing anything, ‘I make handmade’!
Now please enter Poppytalk handmade which is ‘a monthly online street market curated by Poppytalk to showcase, buy and sell handmade goods of emerging design talent from around the world’ (by Poppytalk handmade). I highlighted some of my favorite items to share with you:

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Tags: handmade, poppytalk, poppytalk handmade
Inspiration, Interior Design, Interior Photography |
13. Apr, 2010
by Ludmila |
Good morning, dears! You remember yesterday I was speaking about my gratitude I feel for blogland for introducing me to so many talented artists, remember? Elouise from Australia is one of those artists whose work I admire and deeply love! I saw her on Made by girl and I couldn’t help myself, I just needed to write couple words about her: her photography is stunning, everything – faces, places or just random things. Please join me now in viewing some of her photos, but make sure you visit Elouise’s site for more!

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Tags: design photography, Elouise, Elouise photography, Interior Photography, photography