Inspiration, Interior Design |
30. Sep, 2010
by Ludmila |
Hi everyone! My previous post (the first one from that series) brought so much positive feedback that I can’t avoid feeling so ecstatic about bringing up the topic! Check back next week for another wonderful blogger who’ll share another tips, I assure you it’s something you don’t want to miss out!
But let’s speak about Project Udesign now, shall we? In case you don’t know what this is, I’ll tell you: it’s a contest started by BiOH, Century Furniture, Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) and Ultrasuede where students of SCAD were given a task to design eco-friendly wing chairs (made of soy-based foam and upholstery made with recycled materials). From 15 designs at the beginning of the contest, there are now 3 finalists you can vote for, according to the design you like (you can do it on Facebook). The good thing about this furniture is not only that is eco-friendly, but it’s totally modern and stylish and would look gorgeous in any room! I have my favorite, it’s the Buncombe wing chair (which I voted for) and I put together a mood board that shows off its edgy style and functionality!

*mood board created in Olioboard
In my vision, Buncombe wing chair is meant to live in a library or even a living room, where you have your reading nook. I thought it goes wonderful with gray (of course) and beige accessories. As you know, imo gray is the image of style and modernism, so this wing chair might just land on my wish list!
What do you think about Project UDesign? Did you pick a favorite wing chair yet?
Tags: BiOH, Buncombe wing chair, Century Furniture, Project UDesig, Savannah College of Art and Design, Ultrasuede
Blogger to Blogger, Inspiration |
30. Sep, 2010
by Ludmila |
Hi everyone! I’m so excited to announce today the launch of a new blogging series here on creamylife meant to help us all with blogging and not only. The thing is that I get a lot of questions about how to start a blog, how to become a blogger with a loyal readership and more like these, many newbies dream of having globally recognized blogs, but they’re wondering how to do it and the worst is that they don’t have whom to ask tips and advice. I was in your skin and I know how frustrating this feels. That’s why I decided to start this series, called “blogger to blogger“, where talented and creative, worldwide known bloggers will share their blogging tips with us all (which can definitely be applied in real life) and I sincerely hope my guests will inspire and help you. After all we’re one big family in this blog land, right? :)
The first blogger who kindly accepted to be in this series is the gorgeous Erin from Design for Mankind! She’s my personal idol, an example to follow and I couldn’t be more thrilled to have her here today!

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Tags: advice, blog, Blogger to Blogger, blogging tips, Design for Mankind
Inspiration, Interior Design |
29. Sep, 2010
by Ludmila |
Good morning everyone! Yesterday I asked all of you if you’d like me to do a review of Moj Stan (my apartment), a Serbian design magazine which I adore and buy it every month without looking back, and you all liked the idea, so here I am now. Moj Stan has always been a favorite of mine, because of its colorful content! They always bring up the best tips and advice, the easiest DIYs and the most gorgeous pictures! When I open it, I feel like abducted as I’m no more on earth, I’m in design heaven, seriously! Now you can imagine my excitement when yesterday my husband bought for me the latest issue! (Isn’t he the sweetest?) Oh and another thing about the magazine! This issue was a wee bit different than the others as it had lots of pictures in earthy tones, woven inspiration and plenty of French country deliciousness! I kid you not, Moj Stan is a must, so run, don’t walk (if you’re local).
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Tags: inspiration, magazine review, moj stan, Moj Stan magazine, Moj Stan October 2010, Serbian magazine
Inspiration, Interior Design |
28. Sep, 2010
by Ludmila |
You know that I’m more of a color girl, loving everything bright and light, right? However, I have my days when I’m lusting over earthy, natural colored interiors, which emanate warmth and a muted charm. Today is one of those days, so the portfolio of ultra-popular designer Vicente Wolf was a perfect find! I’m sure you know everything about VW, plenty of blog posts dedicated to his work in our blogland, but I needed to add my two cents as he’s truly amazing, his portfolio is delightful, eye candy for us all! The interiors I chose for this post have a rustic feeling to them and they’re making me dream about cozy blankets, books and cups of tea! By the way, in Rue magazine you’ll find an article about an average day of Vicente Wolf, so check it out, it’s very captivating to see what is he up to in his day-to-day life.
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Tags: inspiration, Interior Design, Rue magazine, Vicente Wolf
Color+Inspiration, Inspiration, Occasions and Holidays |
27. Sep, 2010
by Ludmila |
This post is inspired by the blog makeover of Will! No kidding. I love that place for its content and for the awesome blogger behind it. If you don’t know it yet, you definitely don’t live on our planet! Back to Will’s blog, recently it got a face lift and it looks even more fabulous! The colors that have been used are aqua & orange and I just couldn’t walk away without noticing how delicious this combo looks! So I thought that it deserves a color+inspiration post, but then you’ll be surprised again, because it’s not the traditional c+i post, it’s inspired by an adorable party theme, thrown for a 7-years-old boy. You get the point, right?
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Tags: aqua & orange, aqua & orange inspiration, color+inspiration, Color+Inspiration: Aqua+Orange
Fashion, Inspiration, Serbian Made |
27. Sep, 2010
by Ludmila |
Good Monday morning! Yesterday on Twitter I realized that it’s almost end of September and I still didn’t put together my monthly fashion board! Also, today is Monday, so traditionally we should have on creamylife a Serbian Made post! Plus I have some news to share with you! Today’s post is 3 in 1 and I think this is a pretty good deal! So, my exciting news: last week perhaps you already heard that I’m a columnist on the newly launched fashion and lifestyle online Serbian magazine Wannabe Magazine, writing about my love for interior design and beautiful spaces. You can read my posts there twice a month. Some days ago, they had a post about Belgrade street style, so now instead of creating a style board, I’ll post pictures of how people here get dressed on a September day as seen in the downtown. And this will do the trick for my Serbian made category, right?
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Tags: fashion board, monthly style board, News+Monthly style board+Serbian made, Serbian Made, wannabe magazine
Inspiration |
24. Sep, 2010
by Ludmila |
Before signing off until Monday, I needed to talk to you little more! Do you have any plans for the weekend? Wherever you are, I do believe you’ll have a wonderful time, enjoying the crisp fall weather! And to inspire you a bit to do so, here’s the fall issue of Sweet Paul, which is ridiculously pretty, delicious, with lots of fall recipes, stunning photography and plenty of inspiration for you to indulge your little creative minds! Have a delicious weekend! xoxo

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Tags: happy weekend, Sweet paul, Sweet Paul {fall issue}, Sweet Paul {fall issue} & happy weekend
Inspiration, Interior Design, Styles |
24. Sep, 2010
by Ludmila |
Happy Friday all! So happy this week’s almost done. How was your week? Mine was pretty exciting and busy and the weekend looks like will be the same. But that’s a good thing :). A Friday post for you about oriental rugs, as lately I’ve been drawn to them a lot, because they’re just fabulous! Everything about them is perfection: the patterns, the texture and the popping warm colors are somethings every home would appreciate a lot! And the catchiest part about oriental rugs is that they look killer in a modern space, creating an edgy contrast which will only increase your home’s stylish coziness! And although my home country’s culture involved pretty much decorating with oriental rugs (which means I lived all my life having a fabulous ethnic rug in my room), I now look at them in a different way, loving more its look and effect. Here are a few examples of oriental rugs in modern spaces.
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Tags: ethnic rugs, inspiration, Oriental rugs, rug inspiration, rugs
Inspiration, Interior Design, Interior Photography |
23. Sep, 2010
by Ludmila |
I’m more and more in love with Romanian artists and creative minds. First I must mention Freshome, a fabulous site about interior design (last week I found out that the founder of the site lives not so far away from me – exciting!), today I read about Mario Badescu, who is also from Romania, known worldwide for his line of skin care products and now Miha Matei, a talented photographer born in Romania, now living in New York and Los Angeles with her husband and son. In Miha’s portfolio I found pictures which were in my inspiration files since forever, yet I never knew that they were taken by her, like the below picture which can be seen in the post about Ashe+Leandro Interiors. Miha’s photography is stunning and her portfolio is one of those which you want to fully take from her site and just put it on your blog, it’s that good!
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Tags: inspiration, Interior Photography, Miha Matei, Miha Matei Photography, photography
Inspiration, Interior Design |
22. Sep, 2010
by Ludmila |
Hello, people! How are you doing? Can you believe it’s already Wednesday? Or that’s September 22nd? Quite unbelievable, right? I want to introduce you today to a designer I spotted in the latest issue of Elle Dekor Serbia – Nika Zupanc! Nika is from Ljubljana, Slovenia creating fabulous furniture, flirty, maybe even a bit girlie, but definitely chic! I couldn’t stop staring at the pretty bows, curvy shapes and cute colors she uses when creating her products and I thought her portfolio is a must, that’s why I’m here on a mission – to share all that beauty with you! If you want to read more about Nika (and she has a pretty impressive biography) check here. Oh and her press page is also worth a look, so check that one too :). By the way some of her products are a part of MOOOI collection (Nika and MOOOI are collaborating since 2008).
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Tags: Designer Nika Zupanc, Elle Dekor Serbia, MOOOI, Nika Zupanc