Happy weekend {and a ‘thank you’}

Hello, my dears! Happy Friday aka happy we’re-so-close-to-the-weekend day! Let me begin with telling how much I miss you! Having a job is fantastic, however there are things I miss, things I was doing in my pre-job life, like tweeting, posting on creamylife more often and just interacting with you, my loves! I can’t complain though, things are much better since I’m working, my days are crazy busy, I get to implement what I’ve been taught during my faculty years, I feel more useful than before and well, it makes me happy :). Yet I miss you and I can’t find a solution for this. Alright, let’s look at the bright side. Doesn’t it make you feel thrilled to know that your readers are the sweetest?? It does to me! A while back I received a lovely handmade holiday card from Iva (which is actually the second present from Iva!) and guess what, today I received one more handmade card, from Alena! I adore both my presents and from the bottom of my heart I thank you, Iva and Alena, for thinking about me and for this kind and so pretty gesture! Wishing you the happiest in 2011, ladies!

Alena Goran card (continue reading)

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Emerson Made clothing line

I know I already blogged about the genius couple behind Emerson Made. Back in April I wrote about their hand stitched flower pins, clutches and all that prettiness. Things have changed, Emerson Made is all grown-up now with their own clothing line! Hello! Does it ever happen to you that you want ABSOLUTELY everything from a shop? (I know it does!). Well, you’re right, I found my dream shop, where everything fits me like a glove, the colors and styles suit my personality just perfect and more and more like this! I’m in love, people! Please someone buy me everything Emerson Made branded! I’ll make you, um, pancakes? :)

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Shabby and chic

I’ve heard many opinions about shabby chic style, some say its era is over, some call it (excuse this expression) shabby sh*t, others like it only if it’s not in their own homes. I’m in none of these categories. I love this style and for me it will probably last forever. I like it because it’s dreamy and flirty (yet doesn’t feel girly at all!), it’s all about pretty roses, ruffles, white color (washed out, that is), lots of wood and an overall very cozy feeling! Oh yes, and stunning crystal chandeliers, which will blow your mind away! So describing it this way, what’s not to love here? Say whatever you want, on creamylife shabby chic gets a huge yay! :)

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Allegra’s nursery

I first saw this beautiful nursery is the latest issue of Adore magazine, but I didn’t have enough pictures for a blog post, so I just put the idea away, not forgetting about it for sure! And then I spotted this nursery on the blog from where it actually comes from, Tied with a Bouw – the ramblings of Sonja who lives in Kuala Lumpur with her husband and her newborn adorable baby girl, with the cutest name ever – Allegra (I love it!). I was happy to see Allegra’s nursery again and this time I couldn’t help, but share it with you. Talk about baby fever :).

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Serbian Made: Yoladin handmade

Hello and happy Monday! First of all, I’d like to start off by sending a HUGE hug to all 1,000 (!) fans of creamylife on Facebook, you really made my week and please know that I appreciate it a lot and love you forever (2011 is off to a great start, I also reached 1,000 followers on Twitter, yay!).

This week I want to introduce you to a young Serbian designer who loves handmade and is creating some to die for pouches, purses, bags – from recycled paper! You may recall his creations from this post about Emilija Petrovic’s shop in Choomich, so I couldn’t avoid putting together an entire post about those gorgeous musts for a lady, even more because it’s all eco-friendly (how cool is that?). The guy behind all this loveliness is called Milan Ilic and you can find more of his work on Yoladin handmade blog, site and shop.

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Enchanting glow {and happy weekend}

Hello, my loves! Merry Christmas to all my readers from Serbia and nearby countries (yes, we celebrate Christmas today!). How was your week? Although I have an extra day off today, it’s definitely not work-free=stress-free, I’m very nervous due to certain events in my life and commitments I signed up for, without even knowing what did I get myself into :). I’m just kidding, exciting things are happening in my life right now and I’m very thrilled. If only the weather would work for me, I’m SO dreaming about warm and sunny days, you can’t imagine! These shots for Brides Magazine are right up my alley and are exactly what I want now!

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Mikkel Vang Photography

It’s such a delight to flip through my bookmarks, you know? After a long day, I finally come home, have dinner, grab my laptop and dive into the HUGE list of bookmarks I’ve saved throughout my blogging experience. Bookmarks of sites that made me gasp, smile, be mesmerized and inspired all at once. Today was no exception and while scrolling and checking my bookmarks I came across this great photographer, Mikkel Vang! Perhaps you already know about him as his work appeared in famous shelter magazines such as Vogue Living, Elle Decoration, Harpers Bazaar and more. I loved Mikkel’s work mainly because of the stunning balance seen in his photography: chic extravaganza and a livable ambiance, airy light places against dark, very dramatic ones. And it all felt perfectly good, with no exceeded limits.

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Honeysuckle – color of 2011

No surprise that recently Pantone named the color of the new year and this is Honeysuckle! This is a reddish-pink shade, something in between fuchsia and pink. I love everything pink, from soft pale to hot pink to fuchsia – I’ll take it all (if you have doubts, check this post and this, this, this, this and this :D). Here’s what honeysuckle looks like:

Long before Pantone called Honeysuckle the color of 2011, designers were feeling the trend without even knowing about the great importance this pink will have the forthcoming year. One of those designers is Grant K. Gibson. The teenage-girl bedroom he designed a few months back for Elle Decor showroom is in this gorgeous color (honeysuckle, that is). Little did he know he’ll be a trend setter. The wallcovering is to die for and all the pink details are sure to make you drool! And me too. Here is the famous and all the way stunning bedroom:

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Home Tour: Fashion designer Katie Ermilio

Hello, friends! I hope you all had great holidays and a new year off to an amazing start! My 2011 started unbelievably successful, but more about it when I’m allowed :). It’s my first post this year and what is a better way to welcome you to a new year than with a gorgeous home, belonging to a fashion designer. Ladies and gents, welcome to the Manhattan apartment of Katie Ermilio, a place full of light, romance and vintage feel! My favorite room is Katie’s bedroom, I mean mint walls, golden jewelry and a soft atmosphere – hello, gorgeousness!

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Happy {sparkling} New Year!

We’ve been asking ourselves for a way too long time where has the time gone, pinching ourselves in denial that with every month we’re closer and closer to a year to finish and a new one to start, with new opportunities, exciting moments (or days, or months), joy and laughter, lots of these two! Well, believe it or not we’ve made it – 2010 is about to wave good-bye to us while 2011 is smiling wide, preparing for a group hug. I can’t begin to tell you how grateful I am to 2010 for everything it has brought to me: many amazing (virtual) friends, a new job, mind-blowing blog achievements I could only dream of and much, much more! Something tells me 2011 will be better and I heartily believe in this (you should too!). For this New Year’s Eve I predict the sparkle trend, I see it everywhere and dare I say it’s a must? Yes, please!

Happy New Year! I’ll be taking some days off next week, but see you in 2011 anyways! Sending much love to you all!

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