Inspiration, Interior Design, Styles |
03. Aug, 2010
by Ludmila |
Some days ago, when I first wrote about my home country and its beauty, many of you asked me to post more pictures about it, its patterns, colors and traditional look. So I want to share with you now some pictures of a hotel, located in the countryside and decorated in a pure national style, showing traditional designs, colors and items. I actually wanted to take my own pictures of Moldovan decorations, to show you our history and well, traditions, but unfortunately these days everybody tends to modernize their homes, leaving behind that national portrait, the beautiful things that were surrounding our grandparents and which are by the way handmade by them. However, please enjoy some pictures of this pretty hotel and remember that everything you see here is pure Moldovan!

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Tags: Moldovan designs, Traditional rustic hotel, traditional style
Color+Inspiration, Inspiration, Interior Design |
03. Aug, 2010
by Ludmila |
Hi everyone! Chocolate brown is an absolute favorite of mine as you may recall, so I was wondering how will it look if paired with white? And the combo didn’t disappoint me at all! The brown, being an earthy, natural color calls for warmth and friendliness in a space, it’s inviting and makes the room be so peaceful. Unlike white, which is a crispy, neat and sort of a cold color and when combined with chocolate brown the result you get is a modern, light and stylish yet very inviting room. No surprise chocolate brown & white are used together for decorating bedrooms the most, but definitely they’re having the same effect in every other room and here are some proofs:

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Tags: chocolate brown&white, color inspiration, Color+Inspiration: Chocolate brown+White
Everyday fabulous, Inspiration |
02. Aug, 2010
by Ludmila |
You know how I love Pinterest, don’t you? It’s so full of eye-candy I never dreamed seeing, so many stunning pictures that make me happy! Just like it happened when I came across the below picture – it’s breathtaking, gorgeous and so above all you’ve seen so far.

The only thing I know about this picture is that this place it’s in Italy and I so want to go there! The colors and the shape of this coast are amazing and yes, this is a DREAMY place!
UPDATE: Christine was so kind to tell us that this extraordinary place is Riomaggiore in the Cinque Terre. Thank you, Christine!
Hope your Monday is going well! xo
Tags: Everyday fabulous, Italy, Pinterest
Fashion, Inspiration |
02. Aug, 2010
by Ludmila |
Hello everyone! Without noticing it, it’s already August and I got myself thinking where does the time fly? I can hardly believe that seven months of this year are gone. Do you feel the same? On another note, with a new month I have a new monthly style board and this is what would rock my life in August:

As you can see, warm tones are working for me now, light fabrics and airy colors – a little help to resist this heat which is literally killing me! The Doll blouse looks very flirty and feminine, the bow shorts are perfectly completing my flirty style, don’t you think? Now thinking that I love to walk, the flats are a must and even more if they’re this stylish! The Michael Kors bag adds its casual touch and let’s not forget how much use of are big bags! If you think I’m missing some glamor, you’re wrong, the golden earrings are simple, but so gorgeous! What is a summer fashionista without sunglasses? These Miu Miu shades stole my heart – they’d live so happy with me! And the final touches are the lipstick of a soft peach color and Chanel Particuliere nail polish (to be straight, I adore this color!).
What would be your style board this month?
Tags: fashion, Style board, Style board: August '10
Everyday fabulous, Inspiration |
30. Jul, 2010
by Ludmila |
So, my friends, it’s Friday! It’s right before the weekend and I couldn’t be more thrilled as I’ll have two days to spend with my family, a BBQ on Sunday and lots of rest! I prepared for you an Everyday fabulous picture which will inspire you for the weekend and I’m wishing you all a great two-days relaxing time!

*picture via miss vu on flickr
How fantastic is this inspiration wall? And the Anthropologie mugs? What about the Eiffel lamp? Everything of this picture is just amazing! Hope you enjoyed it! Have a fabulous weekend! See you all next week!
Tags: Everyday fabulous {July 30th 2010}+Happy weekend!
Inspiration |
30. Jul, 2010
by Ludmila |
Hi everyone! I missed you all so much! I missed blogging and reading all of your inspiring blogs so much! I’m at home now, feels so good to eat my mom’s food and walk through the streets of my hometown. I miss my husband though and can’t wait for him to come here next week! While I’m still recovering after too much food and too many moments when I did nothing, I want to share with you some pictures of my country, Moldova, so peaceful and always inspiring!

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Tags: Moldova, photography
Everyday fabulous, Inspiration, Interior Design |
28. Jul, 2010
by Ludmila |
Good morning everyone! As you all remember I’m leaving today to see my parents and I still didn’t finish packing! So for now here’s a quick post with a fabulous picture to make your day even more beautiful than it is!

*image via found thanks to Susannah Conway
The bedroom from above is from the villa of Annelies and Jean-Jaques in Bali and it’s all about contrasts! The washed-out white beam is very rough and a bit industrial, while the DREAMY (!) floral bedding and those big pillows on the floor are romantic and very comfy! Although the bedroom is decorated with natural tones (the furniture is mostly warm brown, except the gray piece which is very stylish!) it’s very eclectic and confusing yet inviting! Did you see the angled door on the left? Now that’s catchy and so Asian! I hope you liked this picture! My next blog post will be from another country, now I’m off to finish packing! See you soon! xoxo, Ludmila
Tags: Bedroom Inspiration, Everyday fabulous
Inspiration, Interior Design |
27. Jul, 2010
by Ludmila |
Margaret Donaldson is a Charleston based interior designer running her firm since 1988 and she has a very unique and warm style. I think if I’d need to make up a list of my favorite designers, Margaret would be a part of it! The rooms that result from Margaret’s talent are inviting and very attractive, with a play of colors, patterns and fabrics, the variety of styles used altogether are layered perfectly well and aren’t clumsy or overwhelming, instead it’s that eye-candy we all seek for our homes. One thing I noticed while looking through Margaret Donaldson‘s portfolio and this is the oriental rug used in most of the rooms, even bathroom! The effect this detail has on a room’s look is stunning and if you have an oriental rug – you have a gorgeous room!

(continue reading)
Tags: Interior Design, Margaret Donaldson Interiors
Inspiration |
27. Jul, 2010
by Ludmila |
Hi everyone! As you may recall, yesterday the giveaway sponsored by CSN Stores ended and I’m now ready to announce the winner!
And the winner of the $40 gift certificate available for all the 200+ CSN Stores is:

Congratulations, Anna! Please send me your shipping address to! Thanks to everyone who entered! xo
Tags: Giveaway winner, We have a winner!
Everyday fabulous, Inspiration, Interior Design |
26. Jul, 2010
by Ludmila |
If you’re in blogland, perhaps you already saw the pictures of the gorgeous shop owned by Anna Spiro, founder of Absolutely beautiful things, Black & Spiro Unveiled. Anna did an amazing job putting together those colors & details which make the shop a stunning & dreamy place! But one thing caught my attention: the tutu desk which Anna designed by herself for her office. Please take a look:

*image via Absolutely beautiful things
It’s dramatic, daring and although it’s black, it seems VERY passionate to me! Just look how fantastic it looks against the white walls & floor, the only things which are a little distracting are the lampshade, painting and the inspiration board, they’re softening that dramatic look and are making it little cheerier. As I said, Anna DIY-ed the tutu desk, who wants to give it a try? :)
On another note, I need your feedback. Aren’t these Everyday fabulous posts too overwhelming and too often? Maybe I should reduce them and post one picture every week? I’d really need to know this, so please let me know what do you think!
Tags: Black & Spiro Unveiled, Everyday fabulous, Everyday fabulous {July 26th 2010}