Inspiration, Interior Design, Kid's Room |
01. Jul, 2010
by Ludmila |
Hi everyone! This week is a sort of a baby week here on creamylife, so to complete it I have a beautiful guest post for you brought by my lovely guest blogger Nastya! Today she’ll speak about baby cribs! For her other posts, check here and here. Enjoy!
Good day, dear Creamy Life readers!
Some time ago, Ludmila wrote about one Serbian
photographer and her amazing pictures of babies. And it got me so inspired! So I found a topic (of course related to babies!) that makes me smile a lot and my whole day gets sunny!
Baby cribs! There are a lot of advice and examples on the Net – so you’ll easily find what you need – just make sure the theme, colors and mood of your nursery matches your baby’s gender and forming personality. Here are some images that left me breathless:
Tags: baby, baby cribs, guest post, Guest post: Baby cribs, inspiration
Inspiration, Interior Photography |
30. Jun, 2010
by Ludmila |
Does it happen to you that you FEEL what you want to blog about? Like somebody is guiding you to post about something? It just happened to me, but it’s far away from being the first time! Just wondering what this might be. However somebody guided me now in posting the work of a talented interior photographer (was simply craving for pictures of beautiful rooms!). I usually do what I’m told, so I started ransacking through my bookmarks and guess what I found: Donna Griffith Photography! Exactly what I needed: beautiful rooms, peaceful atmosphere & great talent – what’s not to love here?! I though you might like the pictures as well, so please take a look:

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Tags: Donna Griffith, Donna Griffith Photography, Interior Photography
Inspiration, Interior Design |
30. Jun, 2010
by Ludmila |
We live in a time when non-conformism is a way to go through life and interior design is a great proof! If you were used to brown furniture, white ceilings and dark front doors, you may want to revise your standards and admit that this is in our past and nowadays we’re seeing things so much wider and in colors! Speaking about colors, did you notice a design tendency to paint your front door in bright colors such as reds, yellows and blues? I did! It looks fantastic, it’s basically creating a cheery atmosphere for the home from outside! I’ve heard people prefer yellow front doors, wanting probably to bring the sunshine in, but I do like how other colors look too. So in case you’d like to make your front door to be a colorful spot – I’m with you! And I found some nice examples for you:

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Tags: bright colored front door, Color your front door, colors, Interior Design
Home Tours, Inspiration |
29. Jun, 2010
by Ludmila |
Perhaps you’ve seen the beautiful pictures I sometimes post on creamylife and link to an amazing lady Ivy style. She has some gorgeous taste, style and oh well, photography. She’s a Frankfurt based freelance decorator, aspiring to work for a real, big company. I came across her home yesterday and couldn’t help myself but sigh very loud! It’s a peaceful place, decorated mostly with white and earthy browns and I start thinking that maybe these neutrals are the same stunning as the bright colors I always talk about, what do you think? However, here are sneak peeks of Ivy’s home:

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Tags: home tour, Home Tour: Ivy style, Interior Design, Ivy style
Inspiration, Interior Design |
29. Jun, 2010
by Ludmila |
While I’m at this guide-travel mood, I thought of maps as decoration and not just as a detail at my geography class from long time ago. Have you seen lately how more and more designers are using maps as wall decor whether it’s about a framed print, wallpapers or wall decal? I did and I think it’s pretty inspiring and a great idea especially when speaking about vintage maps – can you imagine how gorgeous would look a vintage map in an absolutely modern home?! Probably killer! I found some inspiring pictures I want to share with you now:

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Tags: Decorate with maps, maps, mapsmworld map, vintage map, world map
Inspiration |
29. Jun, 2010
by Ludmila |
{Hi everyone! Will start the blogging day on creamylife with an exciting post, but not just a post – it’s a city guide and it’s all about Belgrade!!! I’ve been wanting to write it since forever and over the past weekend I finally put it together! I hope it will help you if you come to Belgrade! xoxo}
Whenever people think of Belgrade, the capital of an European country – Serbia, the first thing that comes to their mind is the NATO bombardment that occurred in 1999 and which damaged this city like never before. The same people remember immediately about Kosovo and they totally ignore the bright side of this place. I’m a tourist in Belgrade, I moved here less than one year ago and to be straight, before coming here I had a vague knowledge about Serbia, I knew things like the communist regime and Slobodan Milosevic. Quite muddy, huh? Fast forward to March 2009, when I visited Belgrade for the first time. That was the moment when I felt what’s this city about, its kind, friendly and very generous people, its hospitality and beauty, but what’s more important its culture, a rich one which left marks visible even nowadays. So through this guide I’ll try to make a sketch of Belgrade for you all by telling you about its cultural spots, shops, restaurants and everything what you can possibly find here.
Tags: Belgrade, Belgrade Guide, guide
Color+Inspiration, Inspiration, Interior Design |
28. Jun, 2010
by Ludmila |
Over this weekend, I’ve got some color inspiration, it came out of the blue and guess what, these ideas I appreciate the most! So I somehow felt that I’m inspired by olive green and particularly by a warmer, little brighter shade of olive green. It shows so much style and contemporaneity, doesn’t it? Also, I think this color is killer when combined with a crispy white, a bright mix with a modern twist is guaranteed! So, I created a mood board for a potential olive green living room, but I also have some inspirational pictures for you, in case you’d consider using this color for your home. Enjoy!

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Tags: color inspiration, Color+Inspiration: Warm olive green, olive green color
Home Tours, Inspiration |
28. Jun, 2010
by Ludmila |
Vanilla Dream is a white home located in Sweden, where a family of four live their vanilla dream. The couple renovated their home completely, starting with ceilings and finishing with floors. And it’s truly impressive what they’ve done, the white cottage looks so classic styled and very charming as I think they white bleached floors are what give to the home the feeling of a modern place. That home is dreamy indeed and I hope you’ll enjoy the tour:

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Tags: home tour, Home Tour: Vanilla Dream, skona hem, Swedish home
Inspiration, Kid's Room, Serbian Made |
28. Jun, 2010
by Ludmila |
Hello, sweet friends! Welcome to another Monday! I do hope your weekend was fabulous, I wouldn’t like to disappoint you, but it’s Monday indeed! So get ready for a new week ahead! Today it’s time for the traditional Serbian Made post and this time I have for you an amazing baby photographer, but not just a baby photographer, the ONLY baby photographer in Serbia! I feel so lucky to have Milica Tepavac as the next feature on creamylife’s Serbian Made! And today the post about Milica will be quite different than usually, because we made up an interview for you! I prepared some question and the adorable Milica was so kind to answer them! So, please grab your coffee and enjoy!

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Tags: baby photographer, Milica Tepavac, Serbian Made: Photographer Milica Tepavac
Inspiration, Interior Photography |
26. Jun, 2010
by Ludmila |
Hi everyone! Happy weekend! It’s finally time to relax, forget about everything and just enjoy the two days! My week was pretty good, it flew by so fast! A great thing happened to me: I won an amazing giveaway organized by Brigitte of Covet Chicago, I couldn’t be happier! How was your week? Did you make any plans for the weekend? We have no plans at all! The weather isn’t quite as nice as we would want, so every minute there is a probability of showers, that’s why my forecast says I have two days for being lazy and do nothing (sort of). And one more thing, I know I already blogged about Trine Thorsen Photography, but I showed you such a small part of her work! So, now I thought that another dose of beautiful photography would be exactly what I need to leave you with for the weekend! Enjoy!

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Tags: happy weekend, Trine Thorsen Photography