Inspiration for baby’s room

I wouldn’t like to think I’m having a baby fever, because it would be dangerous :), but I do love baby stuff, from clothing until room design! There is nothing in this world cuter than baby accessories! When I see babies and their adorable outfits or ambiance, I simply melt!

Well, I think I’m having that fever, want it or not :). Baby’s room pictures below are mouth-watering! Simply LOVELY!

baby's room_house to home1

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Finished my memory box!

I’m so proud!!! I always needed a place where I can keep my little things like pieces of jewelry and everything else. Until now they were all over, creating the feeling of a big mess and I hated this! So I had the great idea to make a box for them and since a regular box would look boring and cheap, I thought of making a memory box (actually I was inspired by DIY Network) :). It’s called like this, because I glued pictures on it, pictures of me and my husband ever since we started dating. First I printed the pictures, cut them and arranged them the way I needed them to be in order to cover ever single inch of that box! You can even scan or print your photos with color ink, I made them black and white, I thought this way I will achieve some vintage touch :). So, I just finished it! It looks cute and it’s bringing a lot of memories whenever I look at it!

P.S. Pictures coming soon!

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Surfing and surfing on the Internet, every day I learn and see a lot of things. Today I learned one more feature about home interior world: Designers Love YELLOW! Well, it’s more than obvious why. This color brings sun and brightness to a room, so each of us should have at least one yellow piece of furniture or even yellow wallpapers in these rainy/snowy winter days! It must be so much fun! Recommended!

yellow room_black,white,yellow

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Hair Chair by Dejana Kabiljo

Dejana Kabiljo is the owner of Kabiljo, Inc. and the designer of really strange chairs, it even might be scaring to sit on. You’ll understand what I’m talking about as soon as you get to see the pictures of the items from PRETTYPRETTY collection by Dejana!

Would you grab some of these chairs for your home? I would barely do it, but anyways it’s a nice source of inspiration for professional designers! Take a look!


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Floral Addict

Floral addict it’s about me, I love them! Last couple days the only thing I get to see on my favorite blogs which I follow: flowers, flowers, flowers! Thousand ways of making floral arrangements, absolutely beautiful vases and incredible pictures! Ugh, I think I should have a flower shop, to be able to feel the flowers and to make my own arrangements! For now, I’m only admiring these beauties and if you love flowers as much as I do, let me know that I’m not the only floral addict in this world! And if I am, it means I have a disease :)


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Have a cat? Check this out!

Fantastic idea of creating a comfortable place for your dearest pet in a low table! Great design by Koichi Futatsumata presented in Case-Real. Your cat will feel fabulous with a house like that! This is actually a hammock and I’m sure your pet will fall in love immediately with it!

cat hammock1cat hammock2cat hammock3cat hammock

How do you like the idea? If I would have a cat, I would get this hammock for it, seems useful thing!

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Home office ~ Styles

Everybody needs a home office – whether you’re a student, you’re working or blogging, I bet you need one. So do I! In order to get some ideas how to build my home office, I made a little research about styles (House to Home helped me a lot with this) and that’s what I found:

bedroom home office

Home office – living room style

classic home office

Home office  – classic style

corner home office

Home office – corner style

home office1

Home office – compact style

home office

Home office – pink style


Home office – alcove style


Home office – modern style


Home office – vintage style

seasonal home office

Home office – seasonal style

The only things my home office must have are laptop, lamp, my cup with coffee and a bunch of flowers! :). Hopefully I’m on my way in achieving my goal! What about your home office? Did you look for inspiration on the Internet, like I’m doing, or you trusted only your imagination and sense of beauty?

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My potential wedding look

You remember probably when I told you about me having a wedding in couple months, right? Ok,  I think it’s time to get ready little by little for the wedding, at least by choosing (imaginary) the wedding dress and all the other accessories. I did choose and of course I want to share this with my dear readers and to find out your opinion or even some suggestions, everything would be useful!

1. Wedding dress – the most important! I have couple preferences, what do you think would be better to wear? I prefer the dress from the first picture and I think my wedding dress will look similar :), but the 2nd and 3rd are very cute and modern, so I’m really confused!


2. Wedding shoes – I already made my decision about them!

wedding shoes

3. Wedding veil – I need your help! I have no idea how do I want it to be: short, long or maybe like in the 3rd picture? ;)


4. Wedding glowes – decided!

Wedding dress glove Wedding Accessories Gloves 5001

5. Wedding flowers – my favorite calla! I just didn’t decide about the color yet – white, orange or pink?

bridal bouquet aborange-yellow-white-calla-lily-bridal-bouquetpink-calla-lilies

6. Wedding hairstyle – decided!

7. Wedding accessories: earrings and necklace – decided, PEARLS!


That’s all for now! I know that this is not even a step toward wedding preparations, but still,  it’s better than nothing! I might change, with the time, some decisions, so don’t hesitate to suggest some different ideas, what if I like more yours than mine? :)

Now for real! If you have some great ideas or tips for me, contact me through my e-mail, I’ll be waiting!

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Vintage Bridal Shower

As I said, I love weddings, but I completely forgot to mention about bridal showers which are not less important than the wedding itself! The bride first needs to have her shower with her bridesmaids and then she is pretty ready for the wedding. There are a lot of themes for bridal shower which I will mention one by one. Today it will be about vintage bridal shower, accessories and ideas, inspired by Project Wedding.

vintage bridal shower1vintage bridal shower2vintage bridal shower3vintage bridal shower4vintage bridal shower5vintage bridal shower

I just love these bright and joyful colors! Impossible not to have the best bridal shower ever if considering these ideas and especially this color palette!

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Housewife’s Guide in the 50’s

I saw this post on Wedding bee and I must admit, it left me absolutely amazed and with a smile on my face! So, if you’re a housewife (or a wife), you might need to read this, I did it already! That is how housewife’s were supposed to do in the 50’s to have a happy marriage, because as we know: “The man is the head of the family, the woman is the neck” ;)

goodwifesguideRead it carefully and tell me whether you agree with the statements above or you don’t! Waiting for your thoughts!

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