Color+Inspiration, Inspiration, Interior Design |
01. Jul, 2013
by Ludmila |
Hi all, I have been missing for a very long while and I apologize (again!), but thanks to sweet readers who sent me emails asking if everything’s ok and showing concern, I appreciate it a lot! Yes, everything’s fine, life is busy and I must learn to organize better in order to manage blogging just as I did before. Promise to do my best to stick around this time :)!
Let’s talk business now :). With emerald green being this year’s color I can’t help but get back to all shades of green over and over again and this collection is particularly appealing as each space is simple, but the green accents are the cherry on the cake providing that needed dose of grandeur and elegance. Also, these rooms have the home-y feeling therefore they’re going to my bookmarks asap!
Have a great week!
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Tags: color of 2013, decor inspiration, emerald green, green, home decor, Interior Design, Nate Berkus
Color+Inspiration, Fashion, Inspiration, Interior Design |
20. Dec, 2012
by Ludmila |
So in one of my last posts I said I’ll be posting every day and I failed at that, but in my defense I can say that I had a reason – a fussy baby (enough said, right?). Anyway, today I’d like to add my two cents to the topic of Pantone choosing Emerald green as the color of 2013. I already expressed my affection for this color in previous posts having no clue that this color will have such a big impact on the design scene at some point – I guess I have foreseen a trend without even knowing it :). The richness of this shade is mesmerizing, showing a whole new level of green – a dense hue that screams refinement and elegance. I like how modern emerald green feels, definitely not the boring green one might expect :).
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Tags: color of 2013, emerald color, emerald green, emerald green inspiration, fashion, inspiration, Interior Design, Pantone
Color+Inspiration, Inspiration |
03. Mar, 2011
by Ludmila |
Today I have a different kind of post. Better saying, a different kind of Spring hues. Remember when a few days ago I was all about yellows, aquas and oranges? Well, Anthropologie catalogue took me to a whole new level of Spring hues. Today I’m at emerald green, stunning teal, rich tangerine, rusted browns which scream sophisticated elegance and deep mystery.
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Tags: Anthropologie, Anthropologie Europe, brown, color+inspiration, emerald green, hues, inspiration, March hues
Inspiration, Interior Design |
09. Feb, 2011
by Ludmila |
What can be teal AND cozy? Of course a sofa! I came across a home tour with its overall color palette right up my alley (um, hello Scandinavian gorgeousness!), yet I’ve been having my eyes on a particular detail – the sofa in the living room. It’s to die for! It’s teal with hints of emerald green, it’s a leather chicness and it looks very comfy, so well, what’s not to love?
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Tags: emerald green, furniture, inspiration, Interior Design, sofa, Teal and cozy, teal sofa
Color+Inspiration, Inspiration |
02. Dec, 2010
by Ludmila |
Hello, friends! First of all let me apologize for being absent yesterday, leaving you with no post (can’t remember when that happened before, probably never). I was out of town all day, helping my MIL with her exhibition. But I’m back now! I missed you and hope you missed me too :D. And yes, happy December! Oh my, isn’t it unbelievable how fast time flies? In just one month we’ll say bye to 2010 and graciously embrace 2011. And this means what? Exactly – holidays are just around the corner, with reasons to decorate (and some shopping of course!). People are asking me what are my favorite colors for Christmas this year and my answer is always the same: mint, teal, emerald green! I’m astonished by this color combo for a few weeks now! And imagine my face when I saw it in the latest Rue, on a Christmas tree (I was blown away, seriously!). The combo is so gentle yet so vibrant and modern. Traditional? No. Boring? No way! Awesome? Yes, please! I love it and will definitely consider decorating my tree with these shades. What about you?
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Tags: christmas, christmas decor, emerald green, holiday decorating, inspiration, mint, teal
Color+Inspiration, Inspiration, Interior Design |
15. Apr, 2010
by Ludmila |
The first thing that came to my mind when thinking about emerald green was that it’s such a deep color, not for everybody. I mean, I’m thinking myself that I’d hardly decide to paint my living room’s walls in emerald. And maybe it sounds crazy, but I’m not sure I’d use this color in some decorative accessories at all! But I do like how it looks in other people’s homes, reminds me of the sea and I think along with an aqua blue would make a ravishing combo! Great for a fun and fancy nursery, maybe…

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Tags: color+inspiration, emerald green, emerald inspiration