Color+Inspiration, Everyday fabulous, Inspiration |
05. Oct, 2010
by Ludmila |
The image I came across today is STUNNING and I needed to share it with you! You guys will be amazed by the colors you’ll see and not because of an abundance of colors, but by a subtle yet contrasting combo of two shades. I’m speechless!

OMG! Normally I’d never think about combining these two colors, but the way they look here together is just fantastic, beyond words! I think the combo is BRILLIANT! P.S. This kitchen is pretty fabulous too, right (besides colors)? What do you think?
Tags: color inspiration, Everyday fabulous, orange, plum, plum+orange
Everyday fabulous, Inspiration |
07. Sep, 2010
by Ludmila |
Hi again! I know, Everyday fabulous category was sort of abandoned for awhile, but please, don’t get mad! I’m here now to share with you another stunning, fantastic picture and well, let’s discuss it a bit!

This screams fall to me! The patterns and color palette are definitely inspired by fall and I’m smitten by the variety of the mentioned patterns! However, this image has some boho touches, ethnic feeling and an eclectic air dominating in there, right? How lovely are those over-sized scissors on the wall? Such a great idea for decorating!
So as I said, let’s discuss the picture! Now it’s your turn to tell me what do you think about it!
Tags: Anthropologie, Everyday fabulous, fall inspired
Everyday fabulous, Inspiration, Interior Design |
11. Aug, 2010
by Ludmila |
Hi everyone! I know that I didn’t update my Everyday fabulous category for a while, but I’m here now to make it up to you. And for today I have a home-y, comfy and warm picture for you! Enjoy!

I’m simply obsessed with all these layered patterns, not to mention the rustic feeling I got when seeing this picture! These rugs are such an amazing detail and I think that’s what makes this room so inviting! How pretty are the old & new stuff? Or the mismatched chairs in here? Blissful!
What do you think, friends?
Tags: Everyday fabulous, inspiration, rustic
Everyday fabulous, Inspiration |
02. Aug, 2010
by Ludmila |
You know how I love Pinterest, don’t you? It’s so full of eye-candy I never dreamed seeing, so many stunning pictures that make me happy! Just like it happened when I came across the below picture – it’s breathtaking, gorgeous and so above all you’ve seen so far.

The only thing I know about this picture is that this place it’s in Italy and I so want to go there! The colors and the shape of this coast are amazing and yes, this is a DREAMY place!
UPDATE: Christine was so kind to tell us that this extraordinary place is Riomaggiore in the Cinque Terre. Thank you, Christine!
Hope your Monday is going well! xo
Tags: Everyday fabulous, Italy, Pinterest
Everyday fabulous, Inspiration, Interior Design |
28. Jul, 2010
by Ludmila |
Good morning everyone! As you all remember I’m leaving today to see my parents and I still didn’t finish packing! So for now here’s a quick post with a fabulous picture to make your day even more beautiful than it is!

*image via found thanks to Susannah Conway
The bedroom from above is from the villa of Annelies and Jean-Jaques in Bali and it’s all about contrasts! The washed-out white beam is very rough and a bit industrial, while the DREAMY (!) floral bedding and those big pillows on the floor are romantic and very comfy! Although the bedroom is decorated with natural tones (the furniture is mostly warm brown, except the gray piece which is very stylish!) it’s very eclectic and confusing yet inviting! Did you see the angled door on the left? Now that’s catchy and so Asian! I hope you liked this picture! My next blog post will be from another country, now I’m off to finish packing! See you soon! xoxo, Ludmila
Tags: Bedroom Inspiration, Everyday fabulous
Everyday fabulous, Inspiration, Interior Design |
26. Jul, 2010
by Ludmila |
If you’re in blogland, perhaps you already saw the pictures of the gorgeous shop owned by Anna Spiro, founder of Absolutely beautiful things, Black & Spiro Unveiled. Anna did an amazing job putting together those colors & details which make the shop a stunning & dreamy place! But one thing caught my attention: the tutu desk which Anna designed by herself for her office. Please take a look:

*image via Absolutely beautiful things
It’s dramatic, daring and although it’s black, it seems VERY passionate to me! Just look how fantastic it looks against the white walls & floor, the only things which are a little distracting are the lampshade, painting and the inspiration board, they’re softening that dramatic look and are making it little cheerier. As I said, Anna DIY-ed the tutu desk, who wants to give it a try? :)
On another note, I need your feedback. Aren’t these Everyday fabulous posts too overwhelming and too often? Maybe I should reduce them and post one picture every week? I’d really need to know this, so please let me know what do you think!
Tags: Black & Spiro Unveiled, Everyday fabulous, Everyday fabulous {July 26th 2010}
Everyday fabulous, Inspiration |
23. Jul, 2010
by Ludmila |
Before signing off until Monday, I must share with you a picture which I thought is really REALLY fabulous! It’s a picture where masculine meets feminine, vintage meets modern and altogether this is what makes that image superb and so inspiring!

*via Skona Hem
Tell me what do you feel when you see the dark blue Lotus wallpaper against the pretty, feminine violets? I told you, perfection! I’m wishing you a fantastic weekend, enjoy it and I’ll see you on Monday, lovelies!
P.S. On Monday my giveaway sponsored by CSN Stores ends, so you have time to enter until then!
P.P.S. On Wednesday next week I’m traveling to see my parents (to another country), I’ll be with them for two weeks and then they’ll come to visit us here and attend my wedding :), so blogging will be lighter until August 15th. I’ll try to pop up here every day and post at least once per day, but in case I don’t show up, you know what I’m up to :).
Tags: Everyday fabulous, Everyday fabulous {July 23rd 2010}
Everyday fabulous, Inspiration, Interior Design |
21. Jul, 2010
by Ludmila |
Well hello again, lovelies! Perhaps you’re wondering what is with the title of this blog post? I’ll tell you, but first let me explain myself a bit :). Every day I come across breathtaking pictures of gorgeous interiors, whether created by well-known designers, by fellow bloggers or sweet readers. Very often those pictures make me be in awe and I can’t stop feeling happy to spot the amazing result of somebody’s work. Only that I wasn’t sharing my finds with anybody, so since I’m loving you all so much, from today, everyday I’ll post on creamylife one picture that made my day, one picture which took my breath away and made my heart dance. Let me know if you like the idea and of course, if you’d enjoy to see daily a favorite image of mine :).

Today, I’m smitten by this picture. The bright colors always make me happy. The somehow matching cushions and curtains are no coincidence, but a fantastic detail which makes this room a happy nook where you only miss your stack of magazines to say that “life is good!”. The crispy lamp & walls however make a contrast and are only making the room be more modern and chic. That yellow pouf is not only adorable, but also functional and will work just perfect as a coffee table. Altogether, this room is dreamy and is going to my inspirational files for my future home!
What do you think about it?
Tags: Everyday fabulous, Everyday fabulous {July 21st 2010}