Food, Inspiration |
23. Mar, 2013
by Ludmila |
Hello, sweets! I hope you’re enjoying your Saturday and to make sure you do so I have a delicious post today. It’s about a local ice cream shop that just rocks big time! If you live in Belgrade you know the place and you’ll more than just agree with me – Moritz Eis is THE place to go if you’re craving yummy ice cream in a billion of flavors! Or if you’d like to indulge in some modern and neat ambient. Amazing ice cream and appealing interior is a killer combo and I highly recommend visiting Moritz Eis if you happen to come here :)
PS. This is not a sponsored post, I just adore that place and thought I’d share my obsession with you!
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Tags: Belgrade, food, ice cream, inspiration, Moritz Eis, travel
Food, Inspiration |
08. Aug, 2012
by Ludmila |
I have to first of all warn you that if you’re hungry/craving something sweet, this post isn’t for you (well it is, but it can be potentially harmful to your state of mind). And secondly, no – I didn’t actually ask you to call me cupcake – this is the name of the food blog that will leave you drooling big time. Linda, the girl behind the blog, loves to bake and she’s good at it – the gorgeous cupcakes, cakes, macaroons she’s making are too pretty to be eaten! So people, deliciousness alert – you’ve been told :)
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Tags: cupcake ideas, cupcake recipes, cupcakes, food, inspiration, party planning
Food, Inspiration |
30. May, 2012
by Ludmila |
Who is up for a dose of delicious frozen summer treats? Ice cream, frozen yogurt and popsicles – who wouldn’t like some of that? Imagine all this yumminess in summer-y colors – well, my friends I’m totally sold! How are you entertaining during the summer, what’s your refreshing specialty?
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Tags: food, frozen treats, ice cream recipe, inspiration, summer entertaining, summer recipe
Food, Inspiration |
09. May, 2012
by Ludmila |
So you probably saw the brilliant and delicious work of Emilie de Griottes for the French culinary magazine Fricote, didn’t you? The Pantone fruit and vegetable tarts are inspired by the Pantone color swatches, made of bananas, tomatoes, carrots and lemons (and much more) – so yes, it was blissful to look through them (needless to mention I was drooling big time!). Here are a few:

*image via designboom, by Emilie de Griottes for Fricote
Isn’t this genius? I must admit, Emilie is my new idol :)
Tags: Emilie de Griottes, food, inspiration, Pantone tarts
Inspiration |
28. Sep, 2011
by Ludmila |
I know I normally don’t post about food here on the blog, but every once in a while I’m tempted to share with you delicious photography from all around the Internet. I though I’d start with macaroons, because everybody loves them, but then there are these adorable little cupcakes that I can’t stand. Oh well, enjoy these few pictures and if you’d like to indulge yourself more, hop on my Pinterest board which is created especially for cupcakes and macaroons – because I really think that even lovely (edible) treats might inspire us :)
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Tags: cupcakes, food, inspiration, macaroons, photography, treats
Inspiration, Occasions and Holidays, Serbian Made |
24. Jan, 2011
by Ludmila |
Happy Monday! For this week’s Serbian Made I have a delicious post, literally! I present you the prettiest and the tastiest company here in Serbia, creating the most gorgeous cakes I’ve EVER seen: Tintolino Family! I had the opportunity to try both their salty and sweet catering and I can say it out loud – they’re fabulous! Not only the team is super sweet, they’re also responsible and reliable when it comes to business. They make cakes for different occasions from weddings to kids’ birthdays to any other event in somebody’s life. And yes, I wholeheartedly recommend them! And now here are few of their creations (plenty of pictures, sorry – I couldn’t stop).
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Tags: food, inspiration, Serbian Made, Serbian Made: Cakes by Tintolino Family, Tintolino Family
Inspiration, Occasions and Holidays |
23. Nov, 2009
by Ludmila |
Yesterday we had a party at our apartment. All our friends gathered together to celebrate my husband’s birthday, 2 months since we got married, my husband’s university graduation and just to have some fun. When me and my husband started to think what we’ll serve at the party, we were confused a little, I think you agree that it’s hard to satisfy 30 persons at a time :). So we decided to make some sandwiches, because it’s impossible not to like them and we wouldn’t need so much time to make them. Yesterday we bought everything we needed and using our imagination we made like 200 (!) different sandwiches in 2 hours. Impressive, huh? It’s needless to say that our guests were astonished with our hard work and everybody enjoyed our masterpiece! Of course I should say “thank you” to my husband for helping me, I wouldn’t manage to finish them on time by myself!
So, here are our artworks:

All of them were just delicious!!! And I hope you enjoyed them too!!!
Tags: food, guests, homemade sandwiches, party, recipes, sandwich, sandwiches