Inspiration |
08. Jan, 2013
by Ludmila |
Hi, friends! Welcome to 2013. I hope your holidays were filled with peace, light and merry moments, but it’s now back to reality, as harsh as this may sound. With every new year we all tend to set goals – be happier, eat healthier, work more/less – no matter what are these goals they help us grow in many ways, making us stronger with every achievement. I like setting goals, I enjoy writing them down, it feels like I wrote my life plan for the next twelve months and being a control freak that I am it feels very comfortable knowing I have it all organized this way. I still haven’t finished my 2013 list, but hey – planning ahead asks for responsibility, I’ll just take it slow :)
So my question is, did you write your 2013 resolutions?

Tags: 2013, goals, inspiration, life, motivation, new year, resolutions
Inspiration |
24. Aug, 2012
by Ludmila |
Happy weekend, friends! While you read this I’ll be on my three-day-vacation already as the husband and I took Friday off to enjoy some R&R, even if it’s for such a short time :). We’re staying at an ethno-village which is a four-hour drive from Belgrade, but not just an ethno-village – it’s the one built by Emir Kusturica, the popular movie maker :). I’m excited to go offline for such a long time, but who knows – maybe I will pop in from time to time on my Facebook page, be sure to visit :).
I’m wishing you all a wonderful weekend, thank you for stopping by this week – and see you on Monday! xo

*all images via here
Tags: inspiration, life, weekend
Inspiration |
17. Aug, 2012
by Ludmila |
Lovelies, it’s Friday – at long last! Although each week seems way too long with hectic days that sometimes feel unbearable, it also feels like the time flies by way too fast making us look back and wonder how is it already August?! It’s surreal to me that in just a little over two months I’ll get to meet my baby – I’m frightened and excited all at once – and just to think that it feels like yesterday we found out we’re pregnant :). I have to try to live more, feel more and enjoy more every single day before the baby comes, after all the drastic change that awaits me is closer and closer in time. I wish you the same (with or without the baby :)) – enjoy the moments of your day like there’s no tomorrow! Eat that cupcake or ice-cream without thinking about the calories, ride a bike to farmer’s market where you’ll pick up an enormous bouquet of peonies, call your friends and family to remind them how much you love them, have a margarita and go to the beach – your weekend is guaranteed to be one of the best!
(continue reading)
Tags: inspiration, life, weekend
Inspiration |
27. Jul, 2012
by Ludmila |
TGIF! Another week is (almost) behind us, another weekend is awaiting to be enjoyed! Don’t you love Fridays?
Before signing off I wanted to give you a photo update on my pregnancy, since so many of you asked for it :). Another reason is that I’m thinking to become a bit more personal with this blog, meaning that I might be sharing more bits of my life with all of you (there will be plenty of fun moments when the baby arrives and I want to share those joyful moments with you – my virtual family).

I’m now 27 weeks and we’re both feeling great. Thanks to all for your support :)
*pictures by my husband
Tags: baby, inspiration, life, pregnancy
Inspiration |
23. Jul, 2012
by Ludmila |
Well, hello friends! As I told you on my Facebook page, the lack of posts these past weeks was because I took a break and went to vacation – to Italy to be more precise. We had an amazing 10-day trip visiting Trieste, Venice, Florence, Pisa, San Gimignano and of course enjoying Tuscany – the most picturesque region on Earth. It was awesome to just disconnect from the outside world and enjoy the little things Italy has to offer: gelato (supposedly the best in the world), various pizzas and pastas that are equally delicious etc., but also to get to know the huge, historical value of this country. It was tough to come back to reality, but good thing we have lots of pictures we can stare at now, when our vacation is over :).

Have you visited Italy? If so, where did you go and what would you highlight (Florence’s palaces are my absolute favorite)?
*pictures by me and my husband
Tags: inspiration, Italy, life, travel, vacation
Baby, Inspiration |
25. Jun, 2012
by Ludmila |
Happy Monday, friends! I haven’t mentioned anything about my pregnancy lately and I know lots of you wonder how is everything going. Well, let me tell you – all is good for both of us, thank God. I’m now 22 weeks, my bump is the main attraction for everyone and we even know the gender :). It all starts looking very real and to say I’m excited yet terrified of what’s to come would be an understatement. I guess all these feelings are normal and that’s what keeps me confident I’ll get through the tough part – fingers crossed! So since I passed the halfway mark in my pregnancy I find it justified to start baby-shopping: adorable toys and onesies are heart-melting and although I know that splurging on newborn clothes and toys isn’t the smartest move, I can’t help it :)

I mean how can you resist this cuteness? I found this French baby shop, My little square, and couldn’t stop clicking through the items – 1) sweetness to the core and 2) hello – beyond chic stuff, after all it’s a French shop we’re speaking about!

P.S. After seeing my collages, can you guess the gender? :)
Tags: baby, baby clothes, baby inspiration, inspiration, life, pregnancy
Baby, Inspiration |
07. May, 2012
by Ludmila |
Hello, friends! How was your weekend? I hope you enjoyed it at its best! Today I have huge announcement, something that I had kept in secret for so long and couldn’t way to share with you – this fall a new little member will be added to our family! We’re happy and ecstatic and can hardly wait for October to come (supposedly 25th). Every once in a while I may be posting baby-related stuff (and pictures of my growing belly perhaps?), so I hope you don’t mind that :). We still don’t know what are we having (we will in a month or so), but I’ll be sure to share with you the news when we find it out. Here is a picture of me at 15 weeks (which is how far along I am now):

Thank you for joining me on this new adventure, you’re the most precious readers ever!
*photo by my husband for creamylife
Tags: announcement, baby, life, pregnancy
Inspiration |
26. Oct, 2011
by Ludmila |

There’s not much to add to this saying. I really just want you to remember this and just follow your dream. And no, nobody said it will be easy yet we all know it will be worth it. But that’s another quote, dears :). xoxo!
Tags: inspiration, life, mantra, quote
Inspiration |
15. Sep, 2011
by Ludmila |
It’s been a crazy week over here, so today I’ll make it fast and simple (it’s Thursday after all, which to me feels like not yet Friday, but definitely not Mon-Wed work mode). Anyway, here’s a reminder we should all frame and put on the fridge, I mean it! The words are so true and the quote is motivating (to be grateful and stop seeking perfection).

Tags: inspiration, life, life mantra, mantra, quote