Inspiration, Interior Design |
13. Mar, 2013
by Ludmila |
Hi all! Quick post about one thing I look forward to the most – warm weather, spring breeze and the outdoor fun!!! Can you relate? The weather now is pretty unpredictable – sun in the morning, rain afternoon etc. which is quite annoying. How is the weather treating you?
So now I’m crossing my fingers that soon spring will settle in and we’ll have plenty of picnics, birds chirping and we’ll forget about the dreary days we had more than enough this winter. Here’s some inspiration for an outdoor soiree that is simply gorgeous, with golden accents yet a very neutral design.
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Tags: inspiration, outdoor inspiration, spring, table setting, tablescape
Inspiration |
01. Jun, 2012
by Ludmila |
I can’t believe it’s already June, can you? The time is passing by like mad and this is just another reminder to enjoy every moment, stop and smell the flowers, listen to the birds chirping and breathe in the fresh air like there’s no tomorrow. That’s what I’m wishing you all for this weekend and for every single day – life is too short, let’s not miss all this bliss!

Tags: happy weekend, inspiration, lavender field, outdoor inspiration, weekend
Inspiration, Interior Design, Occasions and Holidays |
25. May, 2011
by Ludmila |
Have I ever mentioned how addicted I am to Pinterest? If not, this post will say it all. I’m browsing over there for hours and hours every day and still can’t get enough of all that inspiration, stunning pictures I’d never come across otherwise and all the inspiring pinners – it’s always nice to see what fellow bloggers and friends like in real life (again, things I’d never find out if it wouldn’t be for Pinterest). The best of it is that it doesn’t matter what style you think suits you better – you can pin everything and create a VERY inspiring artful mess. Yes, it’s that good. I’m happy to be on Pinterest from the very beginning, seriously, these days I can’t imagine my life without it. You must try it, if you didn’t (which is highly unlikely). I have pinboards for fashion, interiors, food and much more – it’s unbelievable how much I cherish my pinteresting place :)
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Tags: fashion, inspiration, Interior Design, outdoor inspiration, pinboards, Pinterest, sweet treats
Inspiration |
21. Mar, 2011
by Ludmila |
Are we all ready for Spring yet? Good, now time to convince this cold, rainy weather about this. I’m so over it already and the only thing I covet right now is some outdoor time, with sunshine kissing my cheeks, warm breeze touching my bare shoulders…I know, sounds blissful. So while we’re at it, we should do it with glamour and style, right? Here are some ideas of how to transform your patio (or even a place in woods) into a romantic, sweet escape.
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Tags: inspiration, outdoor, Outdoor bliss, outdoor inspiration, spring