Inspiration, Serbian Made |
18. Apr, 2011
by Ludmila |
It’s been awhile since the last Serbian Made post, but I have an amazing one today, a perfect mood setter for this week! Oh, happy Monday all! I know locals have already been introduced to Iva Boskovic and her utterly stylish t-shirts, but just in case you missed it, I have this post for you, after all you can never have too much inspiring talent, right? Ok, back to Iva – she’s young, creative and her shirts are definitely a must-have this season as they’re perfect for ANY occasion, from parties to casual walks to office style – I mean it’s always nice to have an outfit with a twist and Iva’s tees are the twist you need! I’m digging all the designs, take a look and covet with me :)
*Please note that this isn’t a sponsored post and all the opinions are 100% mine.
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Tags: fashion, inspiration, Iva Boskovic, made in Serbia, Serbian Made, Serbian Made: Iva Boskovic, t-shirt design
Inspiration, Serbian Made |
31. Jan, 2011
by Ludmila |
Hi everyone! I hope you had a relaxing weekend and you fueled up for another week! The traditional Serbian Monday is here and today I have for you a talented girl, creator of beautiful and oh, so feminine jewelry – Sonja and her brand Shtirak Design by Sonja! I had the link to her Facebook page bookmarked for a way too long time and now the time has finally come to share her work with you all! Needless to mention how much I love everything, but I’m digging very much the delicate earrings she’s creating – pretty ribbons and buttons, amazing colors – what else a girl can ask? Oh and everything is handmade, how about that?
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Tags: handmade, inspiration, jewelry, made in Serbia, Serbian Made, Serbian Made: Shtirak Design by Sonja, Shtirak Design, Shtirak Design by Sonja
Inspiration, Occasions and Holidays, Serbian Made |
24. Jan, 2011
by Ludmila |
Happy Monday! For this week’s Serbian Made I have a delicious post, literally! I present you the prettiest and the tastiest company here in Serbia, creating the most gorgeous cakes I’ve EVER seen: Tintolino Family! I had the opportunity to try both their salty and sweet catering and I can say it out loud – they’re fabulous! Not only the team is super sweet, they’re also responsible and reliable when it comes to business. They make cakes for different occasions from weddings to kids’ birthdays to any other event in somebody’s life. And yes, I wholeheartedly recommend them! And now here are few of their creations (plenty of pictures, sorry – I couldn’t stop).
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Tags: food, inspiration, Serbian Made, Serbian Made: Cakes by Tintolino Family, Tintolino Family
Inspiration, Serbian Made |
14. Jan, 2011
by Ludmila |
Hello, my dears! Happy Friday aka happy we’re-so-close-to-the-weekend day! Let me begin with telling how much I miss you! Having a job is fantastic, however there are things I miss, things I was doing in my pre-job life, like tweeting, posting on creamylife more often and just interacting with you, my loves! I can’t complain though, things are much better since I’m working, my days are crazy busy, I get to implement what I’ve been taught during my faculty years, I feel more useful than before and well, it makes me happy :). Yet I miss you and I can’t find a solution for this. Alright, let’s look at the bright side. Doesn’t it make you feel thrilled to know that your readers are the sweetest?? It does to me! A while back I received a lovely handmade holiday card from Iva (which is actually the second present from Iva!) and guess what, today I received one more handmade card, from Alena! I adore both my presents and from the bottom of my heart I thank you, Iva and Alena, for thinking about me and for this kind and so pretty gesture! Wishing you the happiest in 2011, ladies!
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Tags: Alena Goran, gifts, handmade gifts, handmade holiday cards, happy weekend, Iva did it., Serbian Made
Inspiration, Serbian Made |
10. Jan, 2011
by Ludmila |
Hello and happy Monday! First of all, I’d like to start off by sending a HUGE hug to all 1,000 (!) fans of creamylife on Facebook, you really made my week and please know that I appreciate it a lot and love you forever (2011 is off to a great start, I also reached 1,000 followers on Twitter, yay!).
This week I want to introduce you to a young Serbian designer who loves handmade and is creating some to die for pouches, purses, bags – from recycled paper! You may recall his creations from this post about Emilija Petrovic’s shop in Choomich, so I couldn’t avoid putting together an entire post about those gorgeous musts for a lady, even more because it’s all eco-friendly (how cool is that?). The guy behind all this loveliness is called Milan Ilic and you can find more of his work on Yoladin handmade blog, site and shop.
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Tags: handmade, Milan Ilic, recycled paper, Serbian Made, Serbian Made: Yoladin handmade, Yoladin handmade
Fashion, Inspiration, Serbian Made |
27. Dec, 2010
by Ludmila |
Well, good morning, sweets! Hope you had a lovely Christmas (if you celebrated it) or a great weekend. I’m here with a Serbian Made feature and am ready to introduce you to a huge talent born and living in Serbia: please meet Miloš Nadaždin, photographer who captures far above what your eye can see! He’s a fashion & beauty photographer and the very first instant I saw Miloš’s work I was smitten by those unique and gorgeous pictures! He shoots vintage scenes, sexy and sophisticated ones, relaxed and beach-y scenes and much, much more! I know Miloš Nadaždin is a favorite of many people around here and I definitely understand why – his work is beyond inspiring!
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Tags: fashion photography, inspiration, Miloš Nadaždin, Serbian Made, Serbian Made: Photographer Miloš Nadaždin
Inspiration, Serbian Made |
06. Dec, 2010
by Ludmila |
You guys know how talented are Serbians, right? However while checking back all the Serbian Made posts I noticed that one thing is on top of the list of local crafters and this is jewelry. And as much as I try to bring something new every week, I end up falling in love with another creative ‘handmaker’ who designs jewelry. That’s what happened now. While looking for another potential feature I came across Empress Design, owned by Zorana who works with plexiglass (something new around here) to bring to life the cutest earrings, the most stylish belts and the prettiest necklaces you could ever imagine! How could I possibly not fall in love? The best thing about plexiglass jewelry is that it’s not pricey at all and everybody can afford it, not to mention how stunning it looks as a statement piece! I totally recommend checking Empress Design (they have SO many items!), here I highlighted a few of them:
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Tags: Empress Design, plexiglass jewelry, Serbian Made, Serbian Made: Empress Design
Inspiration, Serbian Made |
29. Nov, 2010
by Ludmila |
Well hello again. After this morning’s post I feel like I have all my ducks in a row, so we can move on :). I know that the traditional Serbian Monday isn’t that traditional anymore (I skipped it a few times), but today I have another feature for you: a local brand called manufaktura cdR, owned by Dragana Romic. Dragana sent me an email presenting her work, so I couldn’t avoid sharing it with you. That’s what Dragana says: “My brand is called manufaktura cdR where R stands for original, recycle and redesign. I am making jewelry out of materials that keep certain information, mostly out of paper, filmstrips, diapositives, negatives etc.” and I really think her jewelry is like a breathe of fresh air, a modern approach to the well-known earrings or headbands. Not to mention the fact the jewelry is made of recycled paper, filmstrips and more, talk about earth-friendly designs.
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Tags: Dragana Romic, earth-friendly jewelry, jewelry, Manufaktura cdR, Serbian Made, Serbian Made: Manufaktura cdR
Inspiration, Serbian Made |
15. Nov, 2010
by Ludmila |
Hello! How is everyone? Today as a Serbian made feature I have a fellow blogger and her friend who create absolutely stunning funky, modern jewelry from plexiglass – please meet Marina (see her blog here) and Anja, creative minds behind RINGeRAJA! Last week I got my twitter necklace made by RINGeRAJA and I LOVE it, seriously, not taking it out! The lovely girls are working on their site and on the variety of items they’ll be selling, so you can see this post as a sneak peek of the future strikingly famous RINGeRAJA! Here are some of their designs:
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Tags: frashion, inspiration, jewelry, Marina Arnaut, plexiglass, RINGeRAJA, Serbian Made, Serbian Made: RINGeRAJA
Inspiration, Interior Design, Serbian Made |
08. Nov, 2010
by Ludmila |
Hello, friends! Today is Monday and as you all know, Serbian Monday is here for a slice of local loveliness. Today I have as a featured artist a young company, Unicut Designers, founded by two designers who are creating wall stickers! That’s the first company that big here in Serbia and so far the only one doing this and by this I mean designing wall decals as you wish, cutting them and applying on the wall. They can do whatever your heart desires! You can choose the pattern and shape, colors and size – can you imagine the freedom you’re given? I think I’d love on every single wall their stickers! Not only you can order customized decals which are exactly what you need, Unicut Designers‘ collection of stickers in stock is pretty impressive! From urban to floral to funny stickers – they have your back on everything! P.S. For now you can see on their site samples of urban and decor stickers, but within the next few days, the gallery will be completely filled, so remember to check back!

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Tags: customized wall stickers, Serbian Made, Serbian Made: Unicut designers, Unicut Designers, wall decals, wall stickers