Inspiration, Interior Design |
13. Mar, 2013
by Ludmila |
Hi all! Quick post about one thing I look forward to the most – warm weather, spring breeze and the outdoor fun!!! Can you relate? The weather now is pretty unpredictable – sun in the morning, rain afternoon etc. which is quite annoying. How is the weather treating you?
So now I’m crossing my fingers that soon spring will settle in and we’ll have plenty of picnics, birds chirping and we’ll forget about the dreary days we had more than enough this winter. Here’s some inspiration for an outdoor soiree that is simply gorgeous, with golden accents yet a very neutral design.
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Tags: inspiration, outdoor inspiration, spring, table setting, tablescape
Color+Inspiration, Inspiration, Interior Design |
24. Apr, 2012
by Ludmila |
With the spring being here, I can’t help but be inspired by its freshness and brightness. Spring’s green color is my absolute favorite shade and the blue – well, it always feels airy and clean, so this combo is a perfect addition to anything especially after a dreary winter. That’s why I was so smitten by this table setting and the room itself – I could feel the smell of spring through the pictures!
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Tags: blue, color inspiration, green, green and blue, home decor, inspiration, Interior Design, spring, table setting, tablescape
Floral Art, Inspiration |
03. Apr, 2011
by Ludmila |
Hello, loves! How have you been? Wanted to let you know that I missed a lot, how much a love you all and appreciate you for visiting this blog, I truly hope you find it inspiring on a daily basis. I’d love to know if you really enjoy these posts , is there something you’d like to see more (or less) on creamylife? I need your feedback :).
On another note, I have a little announcement. I have a surgery coming on Tuesday, but will be in the hospital the entire next week. I’ll take my laptop with me and if they allow me to have it there I’ll be posting regularly (or at least I hope for this) and if not – you know the reason :).
Today I’m feeling very Spring-like and what better post could I put together than a flower inspired one? Even more when I felt like lilacs rock my world today. Aren’t they gorgeous? I find lilacs one of the most feminine and gentle flowers ever! Are they your favorites too?
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Tags: floral, flowers, inspiration, lilacs, spring, Sunday blooms
Inspiration |
25. Mar, 2011
by Ludmila |
Hi all! It’s Friday evening here and I’m officially signing off for the weekend! BUT – not before telling you a huge ‘thank you’ for visiting my blog this week, for the comments and support, you know how much I appreciate it! You’re the best! What are your plans for this weekend? Whatever you do, enjoy and get plenty of R&R time!
Will meet you back here on Monday! xo

*image via absolutely ladylike
Tags: happy weekend, inspiration, spring, spring blooms
Color+Inspiration, Fashion, Inspiration, Interior Design |
24. Mar, 2011
by Ludmila |
This post will make you happy, guaranteed. I was looking and looking around for the past few weeks and I finally realized that this Spring bold, bright hues will be on the top of everything. Whether we speak about fashion or interior design, expect to see rich orange and delicious teal in every aspect. And I couldn’t be happier, you know? I’m already dreaming about the dresses I’m about to acquire, lipsticks I’m going to apply and bright, joyful moments I’m going to live while surrounded by pretty colors. Sigh, I think I’m too carried away by this bliss.
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Tags: color block, colorful inspiration, colors, inspiration, spring, Spring color blocks, Spring color trends, Spring colors
Inspiration |
21. Mar, 2011
by Ludmila |
Are we all ready for Spring yet? Good, now time to convince this cold, rainy weather about this. I’m so over it already and the only thing I covet right now is some outdoor time, with sunshine kissing my cheeks, warm breeze touching my bare shoulders…I know, sounds blissful. So while we’re at it, we should do it with glamour and style, right? Here are some ideas of how to transform your patio (or even a place in woods) into a romantic, sweet escape.
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Tags: inspiration, outdoor, Outdoor bliss, outdoor inspiration, spring
Inspiration |
25. Feb, 2011
by Ludmila |
My name is Ludmila and I’m officially pronouncing myself a hater of winter and snow. I’m more than just exhausted of these cold, gray days. I want sunshine and colors, I want life! I’m not being too dramatic, that’s exactly how I feel each February (and December and January perhaps too). Today I put together a colorful post, a post full of vibrant life and inspiring atmosphere. I’m in a spring state of mind and with this I leave you for the weekend. Just a quick question: do you feel like me (trying to convince myself that I’m not the only one)? xo
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Tags: bright colors, colors, flowers, inspiration, spring
Inspiration |
26. Apr, 2010
by Ludmila |
Wanted to share a photo with you – the picture is showing just exactly how I feel right now! No more words, once you see it – you’ll understand everything!

Besides the fact that I love these flats, can you say that I feel extremely happy, inspired and full of joy now?! This yellow image is one of the most beautiful I’ve seen in awhile – IT’S SPRING!!!
Tags: floral yellow flats, spring, yellow, yellow flats
Inspiration, Interior Design |
02. Apr, 2010
by Ludmila |
I have a new crush these days: I’m loving wallpapers and curtains (not to mention pillows and cushions I’ve loved forever). Love them in different patterns and colors, just adore vintage-y floral wallpapers! And imagine my surprise today when I found a store here, in Belgrade, Bellarte, which is making/selling exactly this things. I was very excited and now I must confess, I can’t wait to go there and see those beauties live. For now, here is a sneak peek of their site:

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Tags: bellarte, curtains, cushions, easter, shopping, spring, wallpapers
Fashion, Floral Art, Inspiration, Interior Design |
24. Feb, 2010
by Ludmila |
Can anyone tell me what is Spring?.. Let me tell you what does spring mean to me: life, flowers, bloom, bright colors and some other similar stuff. Really, what else would suppose to be this season? For example, Wikipedia says that spring is “the transition period between winter and summer”. No way, it can be that simple! Please, feel free to tell me what is spring for you!
Some spring inspiration (according to my theory about its meaning):

Tags: spring, spring 2010, spring bloom, spring green, spring inspiration