British decoration center Dulux named the main color for 2010 and this is Turquoise!
Turquoise is a blue-to-green, opaque color, the name came from French for Turkish :). Some people also say that turquoise is a manifestation of cyan, but I still think they’re 2 different colors and don’t have anything to do with each other. The meaning of this color is very “aery” and optimistic, fresh and transparent. It symbolizes renewal, purity and creates a sense of space. Turquoise is also called the color-tranquilizer, you can’t get tired or bored of it. Doctors recommend this color in treatment of stress and insomnia, so imagine how much benefit can bring to us a turquoise bedroom? Or a piece of clothing or something turquoise! I hope you understood the importance ;).
And if painting your bedroom entirely in blue or turquoise seems too insane, at least make sure you have in your kitchen blue house ware, I mean plates and cups, and in your bedroom turquoise linen :)
Good luck in 2010 with turquoise!