Baby, Inspiration |
22. Feb, 2013
by Ludmila |
Happy friday, friends! After another episode of being MIA I’m here to wish you a happy weekend. I must admit that having a baby is more exhausting than I thought when I said I’ll be posting every day. My baby needs my attention 24/7 and there’s nothing I can do to change it (not that I want to, but let’s face it – every now and then we all need some time for ourselves, whether it’s for updating a blog, having a hot bath or just drinking coffee). Well, I get this chance very rare and when I do I’m usually too tired to even look at my laptop not to mention putting together a post. Just for the record I’m now writing this from my iPhone, that’s the solution I found, let’s hope it lasts :). If you’re wondering how are we, here’s a brief recap of what my days are – my baby is 4 months old today, he’s smiling/crying/pooping/nursing and that is pretty much it, but it’s ok, it still feels like the time flies too fast.
Hope you’re doing good, here’s a picture of my baby I snapped today in case you’d like to see :). Happy Friday!!!

Tags: Friday, inspiration, weekend
Inspiration |
14. Sep, 2012
by Ludmila |
Hi, guys and happy Friday! Are you excited for the weekend? I don’t know how about you, but I cannot wait for each Saturday and Sunday to just sleep in and do absolutely nothing! No cooking, no cleaning – and yes, I’m allowed for a few more weeks to enjoy these lazy weekends and I don’t feel bad about it at all :). How was your week? Did fall kick in where you are? Here it’s still pretty hot outside, so I’m counting down the days until the chilly weather arrives (no signs of that at the moment though – sigh).
Wishing you a relaxing weekend, friends! Make every moment count :)

*cookies by Yvestown, check here the recipe
Tags: cookies, happy weekend, inspiration, weekend
Inspiration |
01. Sep, 2012
by Ludmila |
Hi all! It’s Saturday and I couldn’t be more thrilled as I’m very tired lately and any spare moment of laziness sounds blissful to me :). Normally I’m always up to something, so this state of tiredness caused by the pregnancy falls hard on me – both mentally and physically. I’m having troubles accepting the fact that if I’m unable to run errands as I did before – it’s ok (and I should stop blaming myself for wanting to rest as much as possible). It’s a problem deep in my mind, so I have to work on that :). I’m starting today, with this post of a lazy weekend of doing nothing – just sleeping, going for long walks and eating yummy meals. Hope you have a good one :)

*images 1, 2, 3
Tags: inspiration, weekend
Inspiration |
24. Aug, 2012
by Ludmila |
Happy weekend, friends! While you read this I’ll be on my three-day-vacation already as the husband and I took Friday off to enjoy some R&R, even if it’s for such a short time :). We’re staying at an ethno-village which is a four-hour drive from Belgrade, but not just an ethno-village – it’s the one built by Emir Kusturica, the popular movie maker :). I’m excited to go offline for such a long time, but who knows – maybe I will pop in from time to time on my Facebook page, be sure to visit :).
I’m wishing you all a wonderful weekend, thank you for stopping by this week – and see you on Monday! xo

*all images via here
Tags: inspiration, life, weekend
Inspiration |
17. Aug, 2012
by Ludmila |
Lovelies, it’s Friday – at long last! Although each week seems way too long with hectic days that sometimes feel unbearable, it also feels like the time flies by way too fast making us look back and wonder how is it already August?! It’s surreal to me that in just a little over two months I’ll get to meet my baby – I’m frightened and excited all at once – and just to think that it feels like yesterday we found out we’re pregnant :). I have to try to live more, feel more and enjoy more every single day before the baby comes, after all the drastic change that awaits me is closer and closer in time. I wish you the same (with or without the baby :)) – enjoy the moments of your day like there’s no tomorrow! Eat that cupcake or ice-cream without thinking about the calories, ride a bike to farmer’s market where you’ll pick up an enormous bouquet of peonies, call your friends and family to remind them how much you love them, have a margarita and go to the beach – your weekend is guaranteed to be one of the best!
(continue reading)
Tags: inspiration, life, weekend
Floral Art, Inspiration |
10. Aug, 2012
by Ludmila |
And it’s here – the Friday we’ve been waiting since Monday is finally happening today! Am I the only one so crazy about this day or there are more like me out there? Anyway, it’s been a long week (just like they all are) and I’m thrilled the weekend is a mere few-hours-period away! What are you plans for the weekend? Something I’ve been meaning to ask you since forever – how do you cope with the insanely hot weather (40+ degrees C around here! (cca 105 F)), are you enjoying some pool time or a real seaside vacation?
I hope you’ll definitely enjoy your weekend, see you next week!

The pictures might not be in sync with the post, but I just loved how cute these flowers are and how can I resist such beauty? Here’s another one:

Happy weekend, loves! xo
Tags: floral arrangements, florals, home decor, inspiration, weekend
Inspiration |
01. Jun, 2012
by Ludmila |
I can’t believe it’s already June, can you? The time is passing by like mad and this is just another reminder to enjoy every moment, stop and smell the flowers, listen to the birds chirping and breathe in the fresh air like there’s no tomorrow. That’s what I’m wishing you all for this weekend and for every single day – life is too short, let’s not miss all this bliss!

Tags: happy weekend, inspiration, lavender field, outdoor inspiration, weekend
Inspiration |
12. May, 2012
by Ludmila |
Happy Saturday, friends! It’s a gorgeous day outside, so I’m going to take full advantage of it (especially since they announced rain and low temps from tomorrow – ugh). Brunch at your favorite coffee shop, lunch by the river and dinner al-fresco is all we should do days like these :). I hope you’re going to do the same thing! Enjoy the weekend!
P.S. Thank you for stopping by – you’re awesome!

Tags: inspiration, outdoor, table setting, weekend